Monday, November 30, 2009

glossary of wrestling terms 2

part2-jobs in wrestling

part3-ringside items

Agent-a former wrestler that relays bookers orders to wrestlers and brings wrestlers to the medic.

booker-the writer for the storylines and decider of matches.

colour commentator-a wresler that provides the humour and expierience to the commentary

diva-a vague term for all the female workers in wwe.

enforcer-a wresler posing as a second!

jobber-a wrestler payed to lose. they dont have contracts to the company

low carder-a wresler that beats jobbers and loses to mid-carders and main eventers

mid-carder-the 2ndary belt holder, the former champ and its contenders.

main-eventer-the world champ, the former champ and its contenders.

play-by-play-the commentator that explain the match and calls the action. he usually has a brodcast or sport background.

manager-a person who manages wrestler he drives for him. manages his money and makes sure he arrives at his appearances.

valet-a female manager that just provides arm candy!

Friday, November 20, 2009


will be quick long story short i dont have a computer of my own. i using an cafes computer near a river and the river is flooded and i fear it will get worse so my review of twi-shite: poo moon will have to wait!

amazing red retains x division belt against homicide in an always exciting opener!

odb and taylorita beat lazy von erich, Velvet the jobber and madison the jobber. it was pants!

british invasion beat beer money with a distaction by kevin nash. nash stole the legends belt from eric young to seemingly give to hogan.

in a match that they wre building for months it payed of well. as tara powerbombed the 350 pound kong in a fantastic cage match.

team 3d and rhino beat the team of hernandez, matt morgan and the black pope the crowd were hot for this match and it was great.

Desmond wolfe (formerly known as Nigel McGuinness) put up but was shut down by angle in a pure wrestling classic! it had the crowd chanting this is wrestling. the moves were solid the story telling was believable, and every move was sold to a tee. it gets my rare 6/5

the pace was slowed down a bit by the main event as aj styles retained against Samoa Joe and Christopher daniels. a good match but there was so many on that night!

so thats it it may be a while before you hear from me hoplefully id be having a laptop of my own for christmas

Friday, November 13, 2009

Survivor series predictions

wont be watching it but here predictions.
money would be on: Fucking cena

world heavyweight championship 3-way match
Money would be on: jerishow to implode! taker to retain

team Kofi(kofi kingston, mvp, mark henry, r-truth and ecw champion christian) vs team orton (randy orton ORTONS BITCHES LEGACY, cm punk and william regal)
MONEY ON: orton due to kozlov and jackson interfience

team morrison: (ic champ morrison,evan bourne shelton benjamin, matt hardy and finlay) vs team Guy from mtv and not a wrestler even if hes the us champ! (miz, jack swagger, sheamus,dolph ziggler and drew mcintrtyre.) money on morrisons team

team face divas vs heel divas
face divas(Mickie james,eve torres, kelly kelly, gail kim and Divas champ melina perez) vs heel divas(micHHHelle mcCool, beth phionex,Layla,jillian and Alicia fox)

you will noticing that the crap divas are on micHHHelle team to quote simpsons "for protection...and to be seen!"
 money on Backstage power wins over hard work and talent any day!)

so thats it wont be watching survivor series have to save my money for christmas will focus mor on tna to end this year will review the rumble in janurary. never missed the rumble does i. see you for turning results next wednesday!

glossary of pro-wrestling terms for beginers Part 1 the basics

Welcome to the ENLIGHTENED PAGE, dear reader. if you have been on this blog before you would now that apart from any random rants and wrestling results, that i do a monthly theme for instance april i told you stories of april fools on a grand scale this summer i did i monty python month.and lets no firget my why wwe is sucks and why tna is the future pieces.

this month its a 4-piece on wrestling terms.

note: don't be confused if i put in British wrestling terms because i am indeed Irish stop asking me if we pay for things with potatoes!

Face-a "good-guy" in a match he wins matches cleanly. John FUCKING Cena is my example.called blue-eyes in britian

Heel-a"bad guy" in a match. he is a wrestler who cheats to win Randy orton is my example

Tweener-an "inbetweener" a wrestler that is neither heel or face. he is either a popular wrestler who cheats(the late, great, Eddie Guerrero) or a heel that is so good that he has earned the fans respect. (Kurt angle)

Attitude Era (1998-2002)-the change from family values to more edgier and at times lewder material.

Angle-the storyline reason that 2 wrestlers are feuding. it could be for the title to gain the services of a manager revenge or something more obscure(Al snows revenge for his dog!)

botch-a fucked up move (lesners shooting star press at wm19)

Bump-move that roughs up the user and recipient  (shane's Leap of Faith)

Bury-when a wrestler is driven down the ranks by a loss (Triple h is hated because he buries wrestlers) compare Push

Business-the wrestling business!

Pop-the cheers
cheap pop-to mention the name of the town or praise the local team
canned pop-recorded cheers

Heat the boos for a wrestler
cheap heat insulting the town or local sports team

card-schedule for the nights match

cross-promotion-when two promotions have a trade agreement

Curtain call - the break of kayfabe that show that the heels and faces are in fact friends in real-life!

Draw-a wrestler that does exactly that draws money and people to events.

Fall-a pin.

Feud-As part of angle there is a feud. this is a series of matches between wrestlers these last months or even years.

Finisher-moves that usually finishes the match.

Green-inexperienced (Boring Rhodes is my example)

Gimmick-any act to succeed in wrestling.

Hoss-a big wrestler that is clumsy in the ring(Mark Henry)

house show-an un-televised show

indy-a wrestler who is independent of promotion. an indy-show is a bunch of wrestlers. fighting in small venues.

invasion (2001) the storyline of wwf  by wcw and ecw. after this all the 3-rosters and became wwe

job-to deliberately lose to make the opponent look good.

Juice-blood or sometimes steroids.

Kayfabe-Pronounced ka-faybe, this Pig Latin like word for "fake" basically anything thats not real in the past "breaking kayfabe" as it was called would nearly get you killed.

knockout-like boxing matches, wrestling matches could end by knockout.

Legit-anything that isnt kayfabe. angle is a legit gold medalist.

mark- Taken from the word  for a cons victim, a mark is a fan that thinks wrestling is real. they are generally looked down by smarks and wrestlers alike(called dumbs in Britain)

to mark out-to cheer wildly.

the Montreal screwjob this match that changed the monday night wars.the betrayal of bret hart in this home country of Canada. hbk put hart in harts own finisher the ref called a non-existant submisssion. Hart spat vince. canadian wrestler left in droves and the bell centre was burned down by angry fans.

muta scale-a scale made by smarks in tribute to the loss of blood suffered by the great muta in 1994 by Hase  it starts at0.0 mutas and ends at1.0 mutas (also called flair scale, Foley scale or Helmsly scale

near-fall-a two count

over-an emotional reponse to a wrestler.

promo-an interview by a westler to promote himself ,a match hes in and  the event its in.

put over-when a wrestler either says postive things for another wrestler or have a great match with him.

Psychology-simply put the the emotional input of everyone involved in a match.

Push-when a wrestler is raised by a win. (Christian recent match with Yoshitastu helped push him.)

Rest hold-submissions that let the user gain his breath and composure(sleepers)

Rib-pratical jokes

screwjob-an unrehearsed finish to a match. compare swerve.

sell-to convince the audience that certain moves are painfull

Signature-moves that get 2-counts

Smark-a smart mark or simply smart is a fan that loves wresting but knows its pre-ordained. they usually know much about the inner-workings of wrestling. compare mark

Sports Entertainment-the term coined by vince macmahon to call his product its safe to say that bullshit acting and plugging merch comes first than wrestling.

spot-a move that used does little to no damage but is aesthetically pleasing (examples, undertakers old school, etc)

squash-to beat an opponent without resistance from him/her

stable-a group of wrestlers with the same manager or modus operandi, (Heenen Family, Main Event Mafia,N.W.O)

Swerve-a planned double-cross.

Shoot-to do something or say something in a way that kayfabe is broken.Wrestlers calling 3d Dudleys

Turn-to change from heel to face or vise versa.
-soft turn a change that is seen for miles of (Bastista)
-Hard turn: a less believable turn(rhino had to flip-off fans for them to boo him)

Work-Any part of wrestling that is fake or the business side to wrestling.

wrestler's court-there is code of conduct and hierarchy in the world of wrestling.Crimes included ribbing a main eventer.

next is part 2 jobs in wrestling