Monday, December 9, 2024


 List of champions 

World's:Satoshi Kojima 

Openweight: Matthew Justice 

Middleweight: Mistico 

Tag: Contra (Ikuro Kwan and Minoru Sazuki) 

Featherweight: Janai Kai 

(PREVIOUSLY ON....Paul Walter Hauser's Podcast?

Yes, the following show is completely booked by Eric Bischoff, who as a Guest on Paul Walter Hauser's Podcast, was invited to be a booker for a day in MLW. So throw out everything from last month, we are focusing on Eric's "Vision".)

So the man of the hour, opens the show and after some happy talk, he interrupted by the "Filthy Bros"-I guess Tom Lawlor and Matt Riddle are a team now-And they Acknowledge Eric was at NXT, after making a Bankruptcy joke, Eric makes Riddle's match against Dijak for Riddle's Title shot on the line.

Eric reveals that he has created a new match for Kings of Colosseum: The Gravity Gamble; a unholy Spawn of the ladder match and Feast or Fired-Between Kruger, Akira, BRG, Justice and Lee. Eric goes to leave but Kruger comes out to intimidate Bischoff, so Eric brings out his Muscle, the former Dabba-Kato, Baba Thunder comes out for a surprise match.

They actually found someone bigger than Kruger! Kruger tries his Finisher, Scorched Earth (Full Nelson Bomb) but couldn't get his arms around Baba Thunder. This was a Bullfight, big Hits and nothing Technical. Except when Kruger Finished the match with a nasty Choke hold. When Thunder came too, he was Surrounded by the Rest of Contra. Kruger Gave Thunder the choice, Join or Die, Baba thunder chooses to join Contra.

Bischoff joins commentary and it's now him being a parody of his self, bringing up all the stunts that ruined the companies he worked for.

Backstage Paul Walter Hauser is arguing with The Andersons, who laugh about taking out Walter's trainer Paul London. After calling the Andersons "B*tches", Eric Bischoff sprints out to defuse the Situation, He reminds the Andersons they have a tag match tonight between Matthew Justice and a Mystery Partner. So Walter wants to be the Partner so Eric excepts, which would have being a Surprise...if Paul Walter Hauser's face was not on the Press Release used as the YouTube thumbnail of this Special for weeks! Alex Kane comes up and insults Bischoff and accuses him of turning all he worked  for into "WCW 3.0"

Delmi Exo Squashes some Balding woman and calls out Janai Kai. At Dallas in January, it'll be Kai Vs Exo Hair Vs Title.

Backstage, MSL and Dijak Arrives, Saint Laurent slips... something into Dijak's Coat.

Also backstage Cesar asks if Eric will have "HLA" On this show, Which Makes Eric Grimace on this Exploitative angle, but Cesar Duran says he doesn't want Hot lesbian Action, he wants Hot LUCHA Action. Eric says that he doesn't still see the appeal  of the mask, but he will make Mistico Vs Trevor Lee, but He wants Mistico to not only put up the title, but his mask too. Cesar seethes at this decision.

Next was the Fan's Choice match. On fans had a choice between the stipulation for Alex Kane Vs Bobby Fish. The Choices were Taped Fist, Kickboxing or UWFI Rules. The fans chose UWFI rules:

  • No Pinfalls, match ends in Submission, KO, or Stoppage.
  • Match is on a points system Both men will start with 15 points, Rope breaks cost points. Technical moves such as Suplexes and submission holds gain points. Strikes gain fewer points, and if the Referee believes a Contestant is over reliant on strikes he has the power to end the match in favour of the other contestant.
  • Use of Foreign Objects or Illegal strikes (aka low Blows, Eye Gouges) is an automatic KO.

This was a great technical match, with Fish being confused at first, but he heeled it up nicely. One bug I have: no graphic keeping tabs on the Points. After what seemed to be a funk Kane had being in, He finally won a match....only for Eric Bischoff, a TEMPORARY Manager, to fire Kane for insulting him. So Kane beat up some Jobbers in security t-shirts. Mr Thomas calmed down his friend as the Crowd was livid!

Another great match was next. Trevor Lee, in his long awaited debut Vs Mistico for the Middleweight championship. A submission based match which grounded the Mexican Opera Cup winner. But not for long. A brilliant clash of styles. Lee returning as the "Technical Savage" that mix of Ring smarts and aggression but With more on the Line on this match, Mistico prevailed over the plans of "Easy E" 

Holiday Rush will be on Christmas Eve, which because of the time zones in Europe will be Christmas Day. So apologies, but today is the last post of 2024.

Matt Riddle retains his title shot, after Dijak used some kind of Small weapon to hit Riddle after Monsieur Saint Laurent drew the ref, ripped off the turnbuckle pad (Remember this!) and cause a No Contest! Lawler comes out to Save his partner.

Roulette match which was the Tag match between Matthew Justice the Middleweight champion and actor Paul Walter Hauser Vs The Andersons. A Roulette wheel cartoon chose New York LAAAAZY BOOKING!-I mean New York Street fight. Finish was Brock rolling up The Fat Extra from Karate Kid after he missed the splash by hitting the exposed turnbuckle from the last match, Aren't the refs supposed to fix that between matches?

World tag match and I suppose putting another belt on Kojima and his equally broken down elderly friend who has a job because of the Champion, means he will be happy enough to do the J.O.B. in Dallas in month's time!

After the match on top of the Building, Eric Bischoff calls Someone holding Documents he Stole, I don't know if it's talent Contracts or Deed of Sale, because they scuffed the Video package Not once but Twice, but this is probably not the last time we see Eric Bischoff in Major league Wrestling....For Better or Worse!

Well that's it for 2024!

As if this post, this Site is now Locked until the Fourth of January! I will return with a new Schedule, one with many Surprises. We are going through changes in 2025, and I don't mean politically. 

Stay tuned!

But to all who made it this far,


List of Champions-TITLE CHANGE IN CAPS

World's Satoshi Kojima 

Openweight Matthew Justice 

Middleweight Mistico 


Featherweight Janai Kai