Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Slaughterhouse review is Cancelled

 Due to the risk of Storm Helene this week, Major league Wrestling has Cancelled This week's ppv quality special, Slaughterhouse and is already commencing Build for next month's Lucha Apocalypto show in Chicago.

As such there will be no review post next Monday!

I Urge all Readers and Followers in Florida and the Caribbean to stay safe in this trying time!

That is all.


Monday, September 30, 2024


 Usually, I would open any review of An MLW show with a list of champions-Not this time! This show was Pointless, even one that was made from preliminary matches from the previous show. This show was made into a themed show that seemingly makes mockery of MLW's once core edict of "Hybrid Wrestling" by making a show with nothing but hardcore and gimmick matches....a week before Slaughterhouse, the ppv special that is nothing but hardcore and weapon matches! As soon as I read the card for this show, I knew no belts were changing hands!

Bobby Fish with the Rogue Horsemen Vs Kevin Knight In What was "The Jet's" official debut in his hometown of Atlanta. This was an Aew Rampage style squash, where they let the Jobber get some hits in because it's his home town Fish Wins with a clothesline. Assault by the other Horsemen after the bell. Save by Bombaye Fight Club. Alex Kane gets on the Mic and insults the Rogue Horsemen one by one, Calling Bobby Fish, the worst one from the Undisputed Era, BRG "Ellen Degeneres" Brock Anderson "Nepo-Baby" and CW as the Anderson we all forget exists. Kane offers membership to Knight, which he accepts.

Akira prepares for Taipei Death match.

Taekwondo Rules Match for the featherweight championship. This piqued my interest a bit, but that Fizzled out quickly as it was less of a martial art fight between Delmi Exo and Janai Kai, than it was an extended "YOU KICK ME, AND THEN I KICK YOU!" Spotfest, The ref stopped the match when Delmi's shoulder bandages came undone! 2 matches and we are only 10 minutes into a 2 hour show!

Video Package of Mistico reflecting on his Opera Cup win 

Barrio Brawl  Between Matthew Justice and Jesus Rodrigeuz. In a trashy Hardcore match, where outsiode looking in, it looked like a White trailer park Trash, fighting a Fat Hispanic Bystander, It was not was not the look they were going For But this match was one sided, even without the use of weapons. After the match Bad dude Tito Escondido attacks Justice after his win and gives him a Tequila Screwdriver. 

Trevor Lee is coming to MLW. It looks like he's doing an extension of the Rich guy gimmick he had in NXT but with a "Sell Out" Twist to it!

Next was what was Billed as Boxing vs Brazillian Jiu Jistu Randall Royce Vs Danny Stratos

2 Random Schlubs they dressed in boxing Shorts and Gis to re-enact The Ali/Inoki Photos as the crowd pooped on this display, as they looked to the entrance-way, because of their was ever a match made to have a "Shocking" run-in by Contra, This was it...WE GOT DIJAK....So Close enough! 

Video Package on the Rogue Horsemen and Jibbles.

Video Package of Paul Walter Hauser on set of some Crap on an App movie, calling out the heels. Especially JBL.

Atlanta Street Fight: Brett Ryan Goseleen Vs Alex Kane. Good action to start with but they just won't  stop with the weapons matches and it made this show such a slog to watch through. Alex Kane put a trashcan onto Brett and Did the PiƱata Spot with Kendo Sticks! BRG Gouged the eyes of Kane with the most Ridiculous Weapon I've seen in a wrestling Match-A Gold Bar, and Yes By looking at it, it's not a real Gold bar, it's opaque plastic, But after MJF'S diamond ring was stolen in London, what's stopping a mark from trying to steal what he thinks is a genuine gold F**king Bar? The finish was suppose to be the Mark of Kane Suplex through a trashcan, but it had some roundness to it still so it rolled away. After the match, the Rogue Horseman attacked the Bomaye Fightclub.

Taipei Death match, Between Akira who they are Booking, vs Only Ikuro Kwan, The Bump guy for Contra, who is only tag champion for a takeover story line they made a haims of last month when Kruger throw a fireball 2 feet in front of a referee in match with an injured man...whcich he was winning! Wait this next week, when i have the results for Slaughterhouse when I reveal what MLW have planned for Kojima's next challenger! Anyway before that. Taipei Death match, a Violent match where the 2 opponents Fists are taped Shut and then have broken glass glued onto them. a match like this is a blow-off to a feud, a capper, a final chapter....AND YOU WASTE IT ON 2 PRELIM GUYS IN A NON-TITLE MATCH? At this point I was pressing the 10sec plus button on my phone often to just get to the end, which was Kwan Spraying Mist into the eyes of Akira. Wait Ikuro Kwan won a match?

Vale Tudo Rules Match for the Golden Ticket for a title match, Between the title shot holder, Matt Riddle and Filthy Tom Lawlor. Special judge Ernest Miller, who did nothing! This was an MMA Rules match and it had no weapons or dirt or gimmicks, But it wasn't a wrestling match, However, after a night of Dirt and weapons and Gimmicks, I Took all i could get. Finish was the ref stopping the match after mounted blows by Riddle . After the match, MSL fires Lawlor, who puts hands on him, until Dijak takes out Lawlor! The World Titan Federation has Future Endevoured one of it's top stars!

Join me Next Week when we have More of the same, As MLW celebrates Halloween by opening the doors to Slaughterhouse! Where our main event is


I'll save my opinions of this for the Cold Open of the post Next week! 

Speaking of Halloween specials, MY! Halloween Special over on Bogger Box office will be up tomorrow (1/10/2024) And will be the 2000s schlock horror Eye Of the Beast! 

Monday, September 16, 2024



World's Satoshi Kojima

Openweight Bad Dude Tito

Middleweight Mistico


Featherweight Janai Kai. 

Previously on Major League Wrestling....

The promotion is now feeling like the Wild west right now. With Contra and Bobby Fish and World Titan Federation all running roughshod while the the feuding promoters settle their differences between baby showers. 

Kojima's hand slipped last month when he lost the tag belt to Contra, will he lose the world's title to Contra's leader?

And speaking of endings, the Semi and Finals of the Historic Opera Cup are also to be decided. Will Tito Escondido bring it home for Promotionceles Dorado? Will TJP bring back to New Japan, Will Kenta add this to his long list of accomplishments? Or will Mistico become the 1st Mexican in its 100 plus year legacy to hold this coveted prize?

Semi Final 1 was The "Aswog" TJPQ VS KENTA. If this was 5 years ago, this match would be a big deal-Now it's a fight between 2 guys would each blew their chance of worldwide fame because of their egos, The Start was a headscissors to the outside by Perkins, following out the ring with a Basement Dropkick. brawl on the outside, they come back in TJP Applies a Sharpshooter. Kenta gets to the ropes and gets Mudhole stomped in the Corner and falls out for a breather, the crowd starts to boo Kenta!- like this is Big star we heard about? Kenta now has advantage after with an ambush. What's good for the Goose, is good for the Gander, Kenta is Stomping a hole in TJP. TJP Fires back with a falling arm lock, a suplex and a 3 Amigos and finishes with an octopus Stretch. Mamba Splash hits Kenta's Knees and he signals Go To Sleep, flurries of attacks by both into the Double count out spot. The ref is nearly taken out and a roll up gets 2, a second ref rump and TJPQ Gets A Blow South of the border, he wishes a wall was built-MORON!


Straight away into Semi Final 2, The Middleweight champion Mistico versus the openweight champion Bad Dude Tito. Mistico Blitzes the big man, but Tito has the power advantage. it's good the mlw finally has booked some Diversity in the Mistico Matches. Commentary make a big deal that one night prior in Mexico, Mistico defeated in a 3 falls match, Chris Jericho. and unless Chris jericovid had an Oxygen mask at ringside, he was not going to last a match like that! So No doubt Mistico's back is hurting carrying the Jer-insurrectionist to a believable match! Finish was Crucifix Pin During the Tequila Screwdriver, and this Atlanta crowd exploded!


Earlier this week, Andersons, Fish and BRG do a Horsemen Cosplay. Seriously, Brock was Dressed like his father Arn and BRG is now just A Ric Flair Lookalike!

Now this is Gonna Be Good! Dijak Vs Thatcher. Lock Up and Side headlock by Thatch, Whose Groundwork seems to be the trick to keep down "The Disruptor", but Donavan seems to give it as good as he can take it. Finish was the Discus Boot, the Precursor to the Feast Your Eyes. Dijak wins his debut with a world class opponent. After the match open challenges issued by Saint Laurent for anyone who thinks they can beat his new client. 

BRG and  Bobby "Bomb Shelter" Fish invade Ringside to call commentary on the Next match. running off Christian Cole. this is a bad idea to let Bobby Fish, the guy who carpools Drake Weurtz to PTA Meetings, to express his opinion!

Tag match Andersons Vs Bombaye Fight Club. This Atlanta Crowd give Alex Kane the hometown Pop. CW Anderson and Kane start off, but it falls off real quick. the Andersons get momentum early and Brett Ryan Goseleen did some great heel work, on the mic, Fish has no personality behind the camera! Mr Thomas gets a tag and a Hart Attack Double team for his troubles. A ref Bump happens and the match breaks down as Goseleen and Fish attacks the faces. The soon to Debut Kevin Knight comes out to take out the heels with a flip dive!

But he's not the only Surprise!

Here's Jumped-up Bullying Lowlife, here to Take out the only black men in the match, and leaves. giving the heels a cheap win when the ref recovers. After the match, CW Says the endtimes are coming, the Apocalypse in on it's way, but not in anyway you thought, for they are the Rogue Horsemen! and I'm sure all this Apocalypse talk is putting "Bomb Shelter Bobby" in his happy place!

Backstage Tito is throwing a tantrum until he runs into Matthew Justice. The Food at Home Seth Rollins challenges Tito for his belt which we will get at Slaughterhouse Next Month.

Adam Priest Vs Okumura... I didn't pay much attention to this match, Okumura got the win because he is the champions friend! After the match Contra came out to intimidate Okumura, but since it was Just Ikuro, So Akira took him out!

Riddle wishes Kojima good luck before leaving for the night, Tom Lawlor and MSL challenges Riddle for the Golden Ticket at Pit Fighters in a fortnight in a MMA fight under Vale Tudo Rules

World's title match was a Stinker! Krule Despite his Contra Comrades being took out, had this match Won, But then in front of the Referee, throw a fireball right at Kojima's face, causing a DQ!


After the match Riddle, who tricked the heels by pretending to leave came out to help Kojima and stare angrily at Kruger!

And Finally, MLW at least wanted to send the crowd home happy, as despite having a few Flippies and Dippies in the match, Mistico defeated A wily and Heelish Kenta to make history as the first Mexican to win the Opera Cup. Despite the closing Minutes Kenta was on offensive taking advantage of causing a ref bump and giving his opponent a low blow, The Psycho knee only got a 2, the set up for Go-to sleep became a La Mistica and Kenta Taps, Giving Mistico the Win. The Cup is just a prize with no title shot attached, But it does put your career on notice when you win. Just ask Alex Kane!

I will see you in 2 weeks for Pit Fighters, which will be deferred to Monday the 30th!

Monday, September 2, 2024


 Part 1- Major League Wrestling Summer of the Beasts- The Dijak Hijack!

The following review was written on Friday the 30th, Hours after The show's debut on YouTube

List of Champions-NO CHANGES

World's: Satoshi Kojima

Openweight: Bad dude Tito

Middleweight: Mistico

Tag: COZYMAX (Satoshi Kojima and Okumura)

Featherweight: Janai Kai


Time is running out on World and tag champion Satoshi Kojima.

A lingering Foot Injury has caused Nothing but Trouble for the double champion, And an exploitable weakness in the eyes of Number one contender, Contra's Merchant of Violence, Mads Kruger. Tonight, The tag belt is in Contra's Crosshairs. Will both belts be seized in the following Weeks?

Also tonight, the semifinals for the Opera cup begin, even if it means The Hart Family has no horse in the race, as last month Bulldog Jr. refused to listen to the ref in his match with AJ Francis, and World Titan Federation was issued with a suspension for Smith. Will there be ramifications between both WTF Members tonight?

KENTA returns to America for this show which is also a New Japan crossover. He will face Akira tonight, before his match with Bobby "Bomb Shelter" Fish.

This and a lot more in the first part of this Double Feature Event!)

All night there were Technical Difficulties, With wrong music played in entrances, No Audio on some packages, cameraman cutting to audience shots for no reason, It was a mess. What wasn't a mess, was The 1st Qualifier for the Opera Cup, Former Winner Alex Kane vs Bad Dude Tito. In a Technical Bullfight with two top wrestlers. Tito won with the Roddy piper vs Bret Hart, king of the ring 93 Finish, a roll up during Kane's sleeper, that knocked out Tito, but pinned Alex Kane's Shoulders. We finally have a reason for these two to feud.

Featherweight Championship, as Janai Kai, continues to dominate, However she had a real Challenger, despite being from Stardom, Hanako, who at 5 foot 11, is definitely NOT A JOSHEEEEEEE! NINETY POUND SCHOOLGIRL PRINCESS! In fact, she looked like a taller, Younger, Asuka! There was only one problem-Hanako has only being a Pro for 2 years! And that inexperience shone! But what shone brighter was her Talent. In 5 years going the way she is presented, WWE May be interested in Hanako. 

TJP's New "Assgog" Gimmick.....


TJPQ Is here to replace Davey Boy due to injury, and to take away an Opportunity to win the Opera Cup from Tom Lawlor who actually works here. Let's put another Carriage on the Tom Lawlor Humiliation Train!

Matt Riddle Vs Matthew Justice had a Garbage Match, despite being billed as a normal one-fall match. Riddle being the Battle Riot Winner, needs tune-up matches before his inevitable title win. The Technical difficulties continued when Riddle asked the timekeeper to throw in Beers and one can burst open midflight.

Next match was the return of MLW original and wwe tag champion Paul London, who looked like Keanu Reeves dressed as Elvis! He Faced the Newly regenerated career of The BRG. And they had a pretty exciting match, which London won with Confusingly the Mushroom Stomp, a Move wwe told him to use when they Shadowbanned the Shooting Star! Bobby Fish attacked London after the dub, which summoned the Andersons to come to the ring-VERY SLOWLY! And with a reason, it was a Swerve! And Brock and CW Anderson joined on on the attack on London.

Andersons Vs Love-Doug and Jay Lion. Andersons Squash the comedy wrestlers.

Kenta Bet Akira in a Good back a fought match where the crowd was split and actually invested. Kenta goes through to the Semi finals of the Opera Cup which will Concluded in 2 weeks at Fightland.

If MLW Didn't have the Technical Difficulties, then We would have seen a Doomsday clock tick down to this point, where we Would have had a Scramble match between Jimmy Lloyd, LSG, Little Guido and Nolo Kitano, instead we have Doomsday arrive in MLW...Donavan Dijak, Under WTF Management, Destroyed the 4 underneath guys. with the crowd going wild, and I was shocked! I didn't even know Dijak was released. Well MLW is seen as a stop on the road out of wwe, But where Dijak, chooses to Hang his hat, It's WWE'S Loss!

In a definite Message to Kojima, Contra are now your Tag champions. How much more damage can Kojima Take. Next month he may have to. but he won't be taking the title with him.

Mistico Vs Atlantis Jr Shouldn't have being the main event when you had a title change in the last match-That's a fact! The main story is that Since Cesar Duran and Salina Dela Renta are revealed to be father and daughter, Salina is running around as Heir apparent to Cesar's Azteca Lucha talent, Something that gotten Salina's hangers on in Her Promotioneles Dorado Faction upset, as seen when Jesus attacked Cesar's talent Mistico on the outside, injuring his arms enough for any attempt to La Mistica to hurt. So it was time to revert to a Swanton to this match that dragged on and on! Sure it's a rematch to them selling out Mexico, But if a Tree falls in Mexico and it Doesn't have a TV Deal, Will Uncle Dave give it 7 Stars?


World's: Satoshi Kojima

Openweight:Bad dude Tito

Middleweight: Mistico


Featherweight:Janai Kai

And Now With the Power of the Cloud and Editing I will transport you to Part 2 and To the Present!


(The Following review was Written Today (September the 2nd) two days after the show)

Bash in Berlin 2024-I AM A DONUT!

Germany's first PLE ever and the most sold out arena Show ever, Beating out Clash at the castle this summer, Started out much like that show, with the Undisputed Championship match First. But Given that like Clash a Hometown Hero was having the title match, I understood. Kevin Owens and Cody Rhodes did the same thing, that AEW are trying to do with Will O'Spray, as Dixie Carter Called Him, With the Conflicted Heel, but better, Kevin was convinced Cody's Knee was hurt and when giving the chance to hit an apron powerbomb like he has done, Unlike Wembley, the crowd reacted, and when he opted to beat Cody in the ring, It was his Last mistake, Even hitting the Stunner, Cody had hit 3 cross Rhodes on him. After the match they hugged, but Kevin was heelish when he saw the camera in his face during the embrace, in an attempt to catch him heeling up. Cody didn't Help matters by raising Kevin Owens arm despite the defeat, he swung away angrily, before raising Rhodes arm. That got a lot of OOOHS From the audience!

What was that about, Turning Jade Heel to have her Face Bianca at Mania Vegas? Well it's still gonna happen, but let's use the tag belts as a Prop. July's over Time to Put Alba and Isla Back in the Minority Box, and book them the next time Pride Month comes around! Give my Regards to Tegan Nox!

Strap match was next and I didn't take much Notes, But the emotion was there, Drew and Punk man, They Made me Believe, they made me care About a Cheap Homemade Bracelet! Punk won his first wwe ppv Match in over 10 years! And It was Worth the Wait! No Doubt Drew will face Face Gunther at Bad Blood Next Month.

Mixed TAG Was Garbage-Liv Morgan, The Chicken Waitress, Should have stayed Working In the Certain Chicken Shop with all the Creeps leering at her in her Bikini serving wings! The sooner Rhea Pops Liv like a pimple for her title, the better!

Finally, Front of this Swinging, Singing Berlin Crowd, Randy Orton Faced A Man who while Austrian, Cut his teeth In German Promotions like WXW, Before Dominating Britain, which led to him coming to Nxt. After Kaiser introduced Gunther in German, It was time for the match which Started with a lock up, Until Gunther exploded with one of his Shotgun Chops. When that happened, this 50/50 crowd turned Completely Partisan towards Gunther. This lead to Boos Rained To Orton when hit the Powerslam and the Draping DDT, And followed Up with the Superplex, Shades of his father, no doubt Still taking the insults of his lineage personally. Gunther started Selling his arm, as we went for the powerbomb, he didn't follow up with Jackknife Pin. All the while Selling Randy was rearranging the Furniture at ringside that ended with a side suplex to Gunther through the German announce Table. They Rolled back in and it was time for the Finish, Gunther Wrapped a Tight Sleeper, Orton Hit the RKO, But Gunther Countered into the Sleeper During the Drop, the Surprise caught Orton off-Guard and the Ref had no choice but to declare Gunther the Winner, after match. Gunther and Orton shook hands. Could Gunther be turning face? Or was this just For Show for his countrymen

AND THAT'S IT....This Little Double feature is more important than you realise. This Post MAYBE MY LAST WWE PAYPERVIEW! Now, As you know, wwe is going to Netflix Internationally. And while WWE dips in quality during The Winter Months, like it always does, i am taking this time to actually buy wifi and get all my affairs in order, Before The Royal Rumble In February. 

But I am Not the kind of man who Count his chickens before they hatch. I realise if things go wrong then this may be my last WWE PPV post ever.

But I Will keep you Posted when I have the Update for 2025, when I Return from my Christmas Hiatus!

Monday, August 12, 2024

MLW NEVER SAY NEVER 2024-Cozy A Title change Real Soon?

 List of Champions- NO CHANGES

  • World's-Satoshi Kojima
  • Openweight-Bad dude Tito
  • Middleweight-Mistico
  • Tag COZYMAX-Satoshi Kojima and Okumura
  • Featherweight-Janai Kai
(Due to A wellness Break, and family commitments, Blood and Thunder was not reviewed last month. So it will be Referenced below and Throughout.)


The World's Champion Satoshi Kojima is Injured with a foot injury, one that is progressively getting worse month by month, while opting to appear in tag and multi man matches will protect the belt, it's not a plan that can last forever! So who could take the belt from the master of the Larioto?

One such candidate is this year's battle Riot winner the No means no, bro! Matt Riddle Literally has a golden ticket for a ticket shot, one that was nearly lost in one of Sami Callahan's Torture P**ns he calls a wrestling Career!

The other is a more ominous threat, one Kojima faces tonight In the main event, as in a Six man tag match, Kojima and Okumura, are joined by Akira to face Contra, headed by the 7 foot monster, Mads Kruger, no doubt envisioning Kojima in the place in his latest victim, Matthew Justice In a twisted and Disturbing 3 stages of hell match at Blood and Thunder.

From Cruelty to Tradition, as the year starts to reach it's end, the Opening round of the Opera Cup continues its qualifiers, one match sees the co founders of Bomaye Fight Club, Alex Kane and Mr Thomas wrestle tonight, will they keep it civil or has AJ Francis' failed coup weathered their mutual trust?

And finally, Salina's Baby Father is revealed, as under the mask of one of Cesar's Azteca Henchmen, is.... Salina's Real life Boyfriend...well this is good...she can take Time off, and he can get smartened to the business.... considering the alternative they were fishing at, which was an In**st Angle!

Oh and an fat actor got whooped by a MMA legend, for embarrassing him out of a title shot! They will face each other in an MMA cage tonight.

Filmed as the undercard to Blood and Thunder, and on location in American Top Team Facility for the cage match, this is Never Say Never.

Right off the Bat, we open Backstage with Contra beating up on Okamura, Who will be Replaced In main event by Matt Riddle.

Opening Match was a qualifier for the Opera Cup. The Middleweight Champion Mistico vs Magnus. and if you seen one Mistico Match you've seen them all. Mistico wins by Submission.

Backstage in Cesar's Office we get Telenovela Bulls**t as Selina and Tito Fawn over Baby carriages. Cesar calls over the Father of the Baby (Who is never named!) for not wearing his Henchman Mask. Cesar tells him that he more than ever represents AZTECA LUCHA, So he gives him a more Ornate Henchman mask.

Second Qualifier Match-Bad Dude Tito the Openweight Champion Vs the debuting Welsh man, Danny Jones, Jones has some size to him so this was a Bullfight, and the perfect match for Tito, Any bigman can throw around a smaller man, what's impressive is when he does it to someone Just as Big! Tito goes through.

Backstage MSL tries to Bribe Mr Thomas, to turn on Alex Kane ahead of their Qualifier.

Brett Ryan Goseleen Vs Jake Crist with Bomb Shelter Boy Bobby Fish On commentary. After the BRG win, Fish and Goseleen fake a Heated interview to sucker Crist in to attack him. Brett is evolving his character going from looking like a certain doll to being a new Version of a certain Indie darling heel, as he is now introduced as "The BRG" 

IS THE WORLD TITAN FEDERATION IMPLODING? It sure looked that way, when Bulldog Jnr lost all Composure and got disqualified, choking Aj out with a sleeper hold! 

Delmi Exo Vs Renee Michelle. After the match some other Job-Girl called Gigi....Allen- I Dunno I thought they was an Gigi Allen on NXT, isn't that Tam*on Girl? Anyway, Renee got in the face of this Gigi Allen, and got whooped. And worse of all, Renee and Drake Maverick still haven't Consummated the marriage!
That's an old WWE joke right there!

The next match was Wrestled Greatly and Told a great Story. As Bomaye Co-founders Mr Thomas and Alex Kane Face in the last Qualifier for the evening. They Told a great Story here, as they Build Mr Thomas as not only as a powerhouse, Which he is, But as a Strategist, who knows all of Kane's Moves and had countermeasures to them. in fact this was the first time I've seen Thomas break out the full extent of his moves, usually the matches are one and one with a punch and a powerbomb, the Finish was Kane Spearing Thomas, as it was something Thomas didn't expect! After the match, Both hug and Thomas wished Kane Well, Fantastic Match. 

Dave Maurvez attempts to interview BRG and Bobby Fish. The Word of the Day is "Accountability"  and they walk off, with Maurvez looking on and screaming angrily for them to explain themselves.


If anyone has seen Tom Lawlor's Credibility, Please Return it to him? Filmed in American Top team gym, Tom Lawlor and the FAT GUY FROM THE KARATE KID SHOW NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO BE ON REAL TELEVISION!, Faced each other in a SNL Wrestling skit! This was AEW levels of Hokey, the crowd hated this because they left the crowd mic on and they Booed, because they paid money for a pre-recorded Match! At least WWE and even TNA Had the sense to turn off Mics during cinematic Matches. This was embarrassing! They threw stools at each other, they sandwiched each other in Between Heavy Punching Bags. Paul Walter Hauser got Powerbombed though a table full of packets of crisps, only for the fatman to reach for a bag of Doritos under his fat butt and eat them and powered up like Popeye on Spinach! But the finish was something else-Lawlor got Nunchucks and himself in the head with them, making him loopy enough to get hit with a DDT! This is Hybrid Wrestling! This was the thing Court Bauer said they did better than anyone else! 

Contra Vs Kojima/Akira/Riddle. The Ref was used as Battering ram by the faces in the jumpstart. Big Confusing schmaltz as these matches quickly become, Finish was Kruger was going to smash in Kojima's face with a steel chair. only for Akira to take the hit, Unfortunately Akira just so happened to be the legal man for his team. Could we be looking at the new Champion in Mads Kruger at night of the Beasts. I think so!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

August Update for 2024

Usually when I make an Update, it's Usually bad News.

But this time, far from it! It's Good News!

I am Pleased to announce that i will be covering not 1, BUT THREE PAYPERVIEWS NEXT MONTH!

Here's how it breaks down. 

Major League Wrestling had a deal with Thriller which is now Done, and they had a schedule that consisted of a ppv on the app and a Special on youtube, we have being covering the specials. Last month mlw tried to get a Membership pass deal on it's ppvs. which I'm glad fell through when Blood and Thunder was free this month.

So on the last Thursday of August, Mlw Will have it's Second PPV In August Night of the Beasts, Days before The Bash at Berlin on the Following Saturday. There is no choice but to Combine the results of Both shows into a Double Feature!


  • August the 12th-Never say Never
  • September the 2nd: The Return of the Caffeinated Coup: NIGHT OF THE BEASTS/BASH AT BERLIN DOUBLE FEATURE!
  • September the 3rd: The Flash Review (Over on Bogger Box Office)
Yes, this also means the Flash Review Will be pushed Back a Day because of the Double Feature, But fear not! This will not happen until Next year because Bash will be the last wwe Pay-per-View I do before transitioning to Accommodating Streaming In February. After Bash, I will be focusing solely on Major League Wrestling, and Bogger Box Office! 

Thank you for your Time, and your continued support as I gain ground closer to 600 Posts!

Monday, July 8, 2024


 I know I said I was going to be on Hiatus for July -AND I STILL AM!-But 5 small paragraphs is not Gonna Hurt! (Though I may catch Hell from my dentist!)


Calories: 194 calories per 37g pack 

Package: A Combination of both Tayto and Mighty Munch. Red Gradients into Orange, into Yellow that's halted by a Silver Slash that ends in the Familiar and Iconic blue field of the Bottom of a packet of Tayto. The Logos and mascots are reduced to fit rather than make a new package art.

Flavour: The Punchy Spice mix of Monst-MIGHTY! Munch Corn snacks onto the legendary potato Crisp!

Taste: Opening the Bag, and the smell of spices hits you, and if you only ate this and Err.... Similar products! As a child, this taste would bring you back to those memories! 

Putting this Spice mix onto a two dimensional Crisp and not a 3 dimensional corn snack, has a pro and Con. PRO: The flavoursome Spice mix  doesn't stain your hands being on a solid crisp, rather than an easily crushed Corn based treat, that sticks to your palms and fingers with both the spice and crumbs as you would eat the original Mighty Munch. But this is tied to it's flaw: The Further down the pack you get, the more Concentrated the Flavour becomes, to the point that a drink is needed to wash the burn away. Still Better than the Spore of Madness that was the Cola flavoured Tayto from 2 years ago!

My Monthly Hiatus resumes Now! Due to it, there will be no review of Friday's Blood and Thunder Event by MLW, though please support them yourselves! You can find me on X Formerly Twitter, @RealEnli