Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bound for glory results Quickie AND *SPOILER*

I'm running late to i can't give the big play-by-play so i'll keep it brief.Again.
Austin Aries retained Against a game Bryan Kendrick.
The Good matches continued As rvd and Lynn tore it up in Full Metal Mayhem
but the first slump came when Crimsonberg defeated Samoa Joe and Matt BORE-gan!
and continued when anderson bet bully ray. the original finish was a Kenton bomb through a table. but he missed. Then Karen "mother of the year!" Jarrett (after she was shown leaving her kids with the knockouts with gym equipment everywhere) refused to call any pin in the 4-way.Anyway velvet sky is the new champion in the women's division.
MATCH OF THE NIGHT was Daniels vs Styles in an I quit Match.plenty of high spots, Pschology, and You Fight Like A Cow moments!
Hardy made an appearance and beat of the founder (in name only these days) Jeff Jarrett

Oh and Dixie" paris hilton in 20 years time" carter is in charge once more. Expect more bad pushing, vince's table-scraps getting contracts and the audience being told not to swear as they think they are "cast members"
oh and great job pushing roode to the moon only to lose in Angles hometown. Who the fuck did you think the crowd would cheer for? Anyway we have a new champion this week.


James Storm is your new tna World's champion.

Thank you and i'll see you next week for results on Vengeance!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Hershey month:Reese Brand

"you got chocolate in my peanut butter!" An ad so annoying it transcend itself to the American cartoons i watched as a child. Reese is hershey's peanut butter brand created its name sake, H.B Reese. In 1968 reese died and his company sold back to hershey. As a sign of respect the company became a brand rather than slapped hershey on the packs. It's flagship snack is the Reese's cup a cupcke shaped confection that is filled with peanut butter. as well as
  • Nutragous!-a take that to snickers
  • Reese's pieces -Atake that to M&M'S
there's more, but I'm only talking about what available now in Ireland.

Hershey: an Irishman's journey for America's chocolate counterpart: Part 1

A year Ago, Cadbury was bought by the Cheese company Kraft. Kraft, already has Milka and Hershey in its portfolio. This year Hershey made its way to Irish shelves with no fanfare whatsoever. So as a long overdue sequel to Cadbury month, here is Part 1 of 2, though we only have so much product so far.

The signature brand is the foil wrapped Hershey Brand, much like Our Dairy Milk, the bar is segmented into squares, only flatter. Appearing in 1894, created in Hershey, PA along with an almond flavour. in time dark and white version where made. Hershey is known for its "Hershey process" a trade secret for its unique taste. However its widely believed that the milk is lipolyzed, a process where fat is broken down by acid. its what increases its shelf life as considered to give it's unique sour taste.
Its flavours are
  • Plain
  • almonds
  • Special dark
  • cookies and creme (white)
  • Pure dark
Hershey's kisses
Teardrop-shaped chocolate wrapped in foil created in 1907. Named after the sound the machine made when one was created.
all the above flavours are available in this form.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

October schedule

Friday-Hershey month part 1 and 2
Wendnesday-bound for glory

that is all.