Monday, November 15, 2021


 Designated 4, the Fifth Card of the Major Arcana is the first of 12 Governed by the Zodiac. A Regal Man Sits on A throne, Dressed in Robes and a crown Holding a Sceptre which like the throne, is decorated with Ram's Heads to donate that the Card is Ruled by Aries.

The Emperor is the Ruler of the Material Plain. Knowledge, Influence and Society is his to command, while Inverted Bigotry, Tyranny and Paranoia is used instead.

When used to represent a single person, it's usually a person born under Aries. Or less broadly the Enquirer's Father.

Representing the Emperor are Hidetoshi Odagiri, the Student Council advisor In P3, Persona 4's Kanji Tatsumi "The Perfumed Brawler", Yusuke "Fox" Kitagawa from P5, and Urien, Street Fighter's Self Proclaimed Emperor of the Illuminati!



In the first week of the new term,  All Students must Join an extra Curricular club. If you follow Mitsuru's lead, you can join the Student Council, of which she is President. Here you meet Hidetoshi, the advisor and the Treasurer, a bookish girl named Chihiro. (More on her in part 6)

A Stand-offish Jerk with an obsession with Rules, Hidetoshi is tasked with the investigation into who left a cigarette butt in the boy's Toilets. Hidetoshi's Steadfast Tunnel Vision for Canvassing for next year's Election for President, accuses everyone he doesn't like. (Even accusing Girls!) There is an excuse for his behaviour. His father was scapegoated in the accident and lost his job. This made him think, that Might makes Right! That was until the teachers increased the Punishment to expulsion.

 And they accused Minato, who Hidetoshi defended. Angry it looks like History might Repeat itself, Hidetoshi realised that Might Makes Right doesn't work, But Might FOR Right, Does! The next day Hidetoshi is more cooperative with the Council. Eventually, the Smoking Student turns himself in. But in Confidence, Since Hidetoshi realised that Expulsion would ruin him. So it ends with Hidetoshi telling Minato that he's helping the student give up smoking, so he gives him a Cheap Lighter for you to get rid of, but now it's proof of your bond and the way to unlock Odin!

Hidetoshi is both the Straight and Inverted Meanings. Hidetoshi wants the power because he demands respect without earning it. He looked down at people for their stupidity and selfishness, only to realize that more Stupid and Selfish People in charge look down on him.


Kanji Tatsumi is a young man who hates the rumours about him.

He's a Bully, A gang leader, Thug and Delinquent.

But the one Rumour no-one ever guessed, would Almost LITERALLY be the death of him.

Filmed Beating up a Biker Gang and getting in the face of the camera crew. Kanji would be targeted As the Fourth Victim of the Midnight Channel, Broadcasting his true feelings, and it was the last thing anyone thought.

Wearing Nothing but a towel and Sandals. Shadow Kanji turned part of the TV World into a Bathhouse where he expressed his desires to do some cottaging in the Supernatural World.

With his reputation for being tough challenged, Kanji Denied his Shadow, Turning it into a more FABULOUS! Form!

The Reason for Kanji lashing out is unlike Yukiko who wants to leave town, Kanji wants to stay and inherit his family's business. A textile Business, something that caused a lot of teasing by Girls. So Kanji may not be gay, but just prefers being one of the guys. 

So he punches his Shadow self and tells it to get himself together, transforming it into Kanji's own Persona, the Skeletal lord of thunder Taka-Mikazuchi 

There have being many YouTube videos explaining the psychology of Kanji's character a lot better than I ever could, but this about the context of his character in relation to the Tarot.

The social Link is all about Kanji trying to make friends and serve at the shop to change his perception in others. Hard to do when you at 16, you are Mistaken as a 6 foot Man dressed as a biker! Worse when you are tailed and profiled by the police, it pisses him of....and makes his Mother Worry! He's told one day that his mother was at the hospital, but it turns out she was driving a young boy who was a victim of a hit and run. Kanji curses at his mother for her Blaise attitude for making him worry, after all we learn his father died in the very same hospital.

He becomes a Reluctant Senpai to the same boy, who was bullied for playing with a girl's knitted doll, which was thrown in the River. So Kanji uses his skills to knit a new one, inadvertently making a demand for dolls in town. But he feels like he's starting to understand what his father's last words of "Being A Man" is. 

Even though the Police still sees Him as a menace and doesn't believe he's selling dolls he gives the cops the best response ever!

"Yeah, I can sew! What, You want me to sew the button on ya Jacket? I'll sew the Shit out of it? make it look brand new, You Asshole!"

He went to his father's grave to resolve his feelings of loss and in the end he decides to make a living making dolls and make an effort Trusting people and excepting who he is. By the end of the game, we see the real Kanji Tatsumi, a man with his head held high, and making his mother proud!

Kanji's story is possibly the best example of all four contexts of the Emperor. A Physically strong brawler for Face Value. A man who learns Commerce for Straight Meaning. A character who is Bigoted towards women for inversion. And Subversion for him being "Queer". Though it's Canon by Arena that he has feelings for Naito, though given her appearance when they first met, it confused him further!

They really hit it on the head. Kanji deserves a point also.


It was a week after changing the heart of Mr Kamashida when the events of the Museum of Vanity started in strange fashion, when an odd young man reached out and tapped Ann on the shoulder.

This young man was Yusuke, a young portrait artist, who wanted to ask Ann to Model for a painting- A NUDE Painting as it turns out! Yusuke is the protégé of Madarame, a Hermatic Master of Various Art Styles who shuns material gain for the sake of Artistic Purity

.....Or so he says!

Requests from the Phansite Seemingly paints the master in a different light, as a Liar and a Plagiarist Who only keeps students as long as they make him money. For the longest time Yusuke would defend the Master who protected him for years, only to find out the truth, when he accidentally fell into the Cognitive World.

The Secret to Madarame's most famous painting the "Sayuri"

The enigmatic painting was in fact a picture of Yusuke's mother, a Self Portrait of her and her newborn son, a fact hidden with a coat of paint, A parting gift from a mother dying of a terminal illness and wanted to preserve her memory.

Only for Madarame to Alter the Painting and copy it over and over in "Robbery" Scams to increase its value. Angered  by this Yusuke transformed into a Phantom Thief and Summoned his own Persona, Goemon.

Defeating His Master, he babbled that "The Black mask" Will kill him if he said all he knows. Regaining the Sayuri, he instead gifted it to Joker where it now hangs over the counter of Leblanc Cafe!

Yusuke's Social Link is that of him Regaining An Art's Scholarship now that Madarame's name is mud. Hoping to branch into Abstract art he's using Inspiration from Mementos, until Joker and He are attacked by Slimes. defeat them and this will add Yusuke as a Social Link. Unveiling "Desire" into the art Circuit shows Madarame's teaching were terrible and poor Yusuke has no coping mechanism for Criticism, even Constructive criticism. So he vows to get better. After Joker picks the locks of Madarame's former studio, he meets the Curator of the exhibition for was trying to trace Yusuke since. He is also chairman of the National Arts Council. He offers him a Selling his Paintings as a cut for the foundation to pay for Supplies. seeing it as the same thing his master did, he refuses, though insulted they still give him a chance to exhibit a work. During a meeting with Joker, Ryuji and Ann, Yusuke realizes that he was trying to find Purity where there was none, so should focus on Raw Emotion. And he returns to Mementos to feel the twisted emotions of the demons there. Overcome he revises Desire into Desire and Hope, adding light and Colour to the Black and blood red landscape. The Curator offers Yusuke a place on the council,  But Yusuke respectfully declines, making money from art is just something he's not comfortable with, but he does look forward to having Future works exhibited.

Yusuke's Story is the Bigotry Aspect of the Inverted Emperor, more Specifically his Artistic Bias. What that means is he's using too much of his own experience to cloud his Art's Direction, even seeing the Council as every bit the leeches Madarame was. However it is a story of growth while staying true to his core beliefs of Art's Purity!


The Illuminati

This Shadowy Organization has being Referenced in many Media before, But In the world Of Street Fighter, They are a cult who want to level the Sinful Modern World and Return it to the Harmony of Ancient Times Under the Prophecy that a boy wielding the Elements would be Humanity's Salvation!

Born into the Cult were two Brothers, Gill and Urien. Under the Teachings of the Cult, they would Learn Ancient Arts like Metallurgy, Alchemy, War Strategy, Melee Weapons and Pancrace. Willingly Having Genetic and Magical Experimentation all their lives until the day one would lead the Illuminati on the Lord's Year. (2000)

Despite Urien's Tenacity as a fighter, It was Gill whose Altruistism (warped as it is) and Zeal to the cause Made him the New Emperor. Urien Was made President, But Urien's Jealously of his brother Spread like a cancer. Secretly fraternizing in the Sinful Modern world, Deals with Outsiders and Striking up a plan of his own to make a race of Cyborg Soldiers, Like 11, 12 And Necro

Years past and Urien is inspecting the G-Project aka 11, A robot soldier with Duplication skills, Which Urien Destroys. His New plan is to Revive Charlie Nash from the Dead (more on him later!) from the dead, using his revenge on Shadowloo to run interference while he steals Bison's Clones to use as Test subject for The G project Mark 12, Only to be defeated again. this time by Viper. it's only later when he pays off Balrog to betray Bison is when Urien gets some leeway. But Balrog wants more Money so Urien Defeats him in front of Ed, who intervenes using  Psycho Power. Urien, seeing Ed is the clone he was looking for backs off, but he is biding his time as Shadowloo falls during the Day of the Black Sun, only for the Illuminati to rise!

Urien is a Jealous Power Hungry man, who despite his own Skill and influence, wants the power his Brother he possesses. He is the Inverted Emperor Incarnate: Bigoted and Tyrannical. He does not care about the Illuminati's Goals, he just wants the power. His Bigotry comes out when addressing others, calling them Dirt and Commoner and various animals. Urien also Gains a point






Hidetoshi gives you a Cheap Lighter  that can be used to fuse Odin. and access to start the Chihiro Social Link. Unlike the other School Clubs, you get no points for your Attributes.

Kanji Comes with all the Perks the Party Members of his game comes with. Follow up, Recovery, Calvary Attack, Endure, Second Awakening!, But he doesn't open up any new skills or New locations. It's his Cute Strap that is used as proof to fuse Odin.

Yusuke Like Kanji comes with all the Party Perks the other Thieves have, But his unique skill is Duplication which can be Modified twice! If you find Blank Cards, you can have Yusuke Duplicate a Skill Card, that can be used to teach Persona's Skills and Spells. He also Unlocks the Church Location where you can start the Hifumi Social link (More on her when we cover the Star Card!) and Confessionals where your Allies can relearn a Move. To do all this, you need Rank 3 Intelligence, Max Proficiency To pick Locks, and Blank Cards to make the Skill cards!

Urien is disliked by everyone, Given his Allegiance to The Illuminati. Even the Illuminati hates his guts! 






Hidetoshi has no other influence to Minato outside school. In fact, he's the only non party social link your age who doesn't call you after school!

Kanji sees You as the man who turned into what he always tried to prove to be...A Man

Yusuke adds his knowledge of aesthetics, and eye of beauty, which Morgana claimed to be useful. Sometimes the puzzles require placement and keen sight to solve. If it wasn't for Joker, he may have starved to death if he stopped making money.

Urien hates everyone, and they hate him back! Even Ryu, who Urien mocks as a a homeless "Commoner" feels like that Urien's attacks are as empty as his words.





The Winner is Yusuke


The Hierophant (Sometimes referred to as "The Pope") is the card designated 5 and is Ruled by Taurus.

An Elderly but Robust man sits on a throne between 2 pillars, Wearing the Vestiges of Christian Faith: White Robes, A Cross, and Rosary. Adorned on his head is either a triple crown to denote the Holy Trinity, or A horned Headdress for Taurus

While the Emperor is Master of the Material Plain, The Hierophant is the master of the Spiritual Plain. Like the Emperor, he gives off a "Fatherly" Presence, But Rather than it being Knowledge and Authority, it's Wisdom and Tradition. This Card means Wisdom, Forgiveness, Tradition and Morality, reversed It means Bad advice, Lack of Faith and Confusion

For a specific person, It Usually speaks of someone who  is a father figure, a Grandfather or a mentor or Priest. or someone born under Taurus.

Our 5 Contestants are Bunkichi and Mitsuko, a pair of Elderly Shopkeepers, Ryotaro Dojima, Yu's hard boiled detective uncle. Sojiro "Boss" Sakura and Lt. William Guile, the Soldier who dragged Bison back to hell!

Bunkichi and Mitsuko

While exploring the Strip Mall, Minato Entered Bookworms Used Bookshop. Seeing the Gekkokan High Uniform on Minato. The Husband asks if he's seen a Persimmon tree on the school ground. (Don't feel bad if you didn't notice it the first time, but it's indeed there) It turns out it's a memorial to their son, a teacher who died in a car accident, and they learn that the school plan on cutting the tree down. So you help them start a petition to save the tree.

Many Signatures where signed, But while Visiting the tree, Bunkichi learns why the tree is coming down, It's to start building new Classrooms in his honour. Overjoyed, Bunkichi sent a letter of approval to do so, knowing that it would be a better Monument to their Son.

The Elderly Social link Hits Hard because it feels true. We all know families, Directly or Indirectly, Who Lost Children. Even when The child is grown up even if he or she dies before the parents. You never really stop being your children's parents. With the school cutting down the tree, it felt like to Mitsuko that the last remnants of her son was fading away. Thankfully the new classrooms will a better legacy for a beloved teacher.

As for Context, The Elderly Couple Social Link Are the Wisdom and Forgiveness Aspects of the Pope.


As Yu Nurakami's Uncle in the Town of Inaba, He offered his Nephew a place to stay, while his parents did Aid Work oversees. Having a Respectable Young Man like Yu to Babysit His daughter while on the beat as a detective seemed Reason enough to have him around.

But Noone Expected a Killer on the loose, the very next day his nephew arrived. and him Appearing close to every investigation Dojima is on.

He Doesn't want to Suspect Yu, especially how Impressible Nanako is. But it was hard to tell Dojima what is really happening.  After all, How do you explain things like Personas, and Shadows and Tv Worlds and Velvet Rooms?

The Serial Killings have knocked Ryotaro's home life with Nanako, Holidays cancelled, late night shifts and worse, the young girl had to see her father drunk, but failing to find his wife's killer maybe the reason he's throwing himself into his work. He gets really upset when the news reports Cyclists being ran over. Then there is the incident that Dojima chose work over treating Nanako's stomach pains. It's nothing major but calling him out makes him angry. He's been running his own investigation into Chisato's death himself on top of all that's being going on.

Dojima loves Yu and Nanako, but after the guilt of losing Chisato, he's afraid of losing family again. A pain that does happen when Nanako is the final victim of the midnight channel. Even Capturing the Crazed Politican Nadatame and rescuing her, the Dojima's end up in hospital after Dojima is caught in a car accident. If you choose to kill Nadatame, Nanako dies and if you don't suspect Detective Adachi, then you can't finish the game or the bond of this character. When you do it's a small family outing to the river at night. Dojima realising what is important, he's a detective sure, but he's protecting Inaba, because his family lives there! 

Dojima is the fatherly Aspect of the hierophant, but he's more suited to being an Emperor given as a detective, he's dealing with laws and facts, things of the Material Plain. I will give him a point for the forgiveness aspect He drops the investigation into Chisato's Death and doesn't kill his former underling for being the mastermind to the murders. He suspected Yu in the beginning as the killer or at the very least, a vigilante. But upon learning the truth, Strange as it is, he wanted nothing more than Adachi to face justice.

Sojiro Sakura

"Huh....why did it have to be me?"

The Question did Cross the Mind of Coffee shop owner Sojiro when asked to host the son of a family friend on Probation for Assault.

However Something wasn't right, this Kid, Ren Amamiya, didn't seem like the thug type, but the Victim of SOCIETY!

And Sojiro knows a thing or two about Hidden Depths.

Before Opening Leblanc Cafe, Sojiro was a Research Fellow of Psychology, under the Colleague, and later lover, a woman by the name of Wakaba. Wakaba's research had led to a discovery, The Existence of A Cognitive World. But Before her Research would become Public, Wakaba Died in a Murder that was made to look like an Accident and her Research Stolen (We will get to the full extent of the Murder, When we Cover Futaba in Strength and The Hermit) Learning the man who killed Wakaba and setup Joker is one and the same, Sojiro becomes an honourary Phantom Thief gaining his own Nickname "Boss".

Sojiro's Story is him giving you on the job training, while Futuba's family wants to regain custody of her, only because word has gotten out that Sojiro gets more Social Money because Futuba's Agoraphobia counts as a Disability as well as the money from being a Government Research Fellow. And an Uncle causes trouble by feigning injury and claiming to be assaulted. But before Futaba's request to change her uncle's heart can happen, Social Services arrive, but Futaba convinces them by calling Sojiro "Dad". But the Uncle is still a menace until the Change Of Heart is Made. And when it's made, Sojiro visits Wakaba's grave for the first time since her death. Noticing how much his and her daughter, reminds him of her mother!

Sojiro is the Wisdom Aspect as well as the fatherly Aspect, Done Straight since Sojiro is Futaba's Adopted Father. Also while not exactly Religion, Knowledge of Cognition counts as knowledge of the Spiritual Plain.


"Go Home and Be a Family Man!"

The familiar jeer from a man who would become a major in America's Air Force, ironically the Major himself has a family, himself, but revenge on the man who killed his best friend.

This friend was Guile's Former Superior officer, Charlie Nash, Who convinced his new sparring partner to undergo a military experiment to enter M Bison's Street Fighter Tournament. The Experiment? A legup on a certain Japanese Fighter, the two airmen would have Minaturized Engines, that, when given a certain verbal command, would vibrate the muscles in their arms to ignite the air Infront of them, However Guiles Operation was not as smooth as Charlie's. A malfunction in both engines made the engines each work at 50% capacity, meaning to avail of this power he had to swing both arms. Yes that's the canon reason Guile can use the sonic boom. Because as pilots..... They understand sound waves better?

Dubious Science Aside, William and Charlie became more than Soldiers, they became Friends, Soon the  two would enter the tournament incognito with an Interpol agent from China. However Charlie went missing after his qualifier, trailing a lead in the investigation.

Eventually, they find M.Bison's Base in Thailand and the source of his power. The Psycho Drive. A restoration chamber. When Ryu Destroyed Bison's Body, a new body regenerated inside the drive. Charlie tells his friends there is only one way to stop Bison; Blow up the Base while his body is still vulnerable.

Seeing the Flaming Ruins, Guile mourns his friends Sacrifice, but Chun Li is convinced that Charlie has Survived.

All hope is lost, when Bison In a new Body appears to re-announce the Street Fighter Tournament, Spurred on by Revenge, Guile became M.I.A to kill the Man who killed his friend. He would beat the Dictator senseless until his family pleaded with him. In the end killing Bison would not bring Charlie back, 

But the Illuminati did.

MI6, the Air Force and Interpol would team again, when Shadowloo unveiled it's new weapon the black sun space Station, but In the background the Illuminati made their play, and it involved a Revived Charlie, back from the dead and his body stitched together with Eleven's Technology and Necrotic Body Parts fighting everyone in his way. Once again Charlie sacrificed himself, since his body is in worse shape than expected, However the damage is more than Bison let on. As Guile lead the the heroes to destroy the Black sun as they rescue those kidnapped, as Ryu dealt the final blow with no Rose, No Dolls or Clones left, Guile returned home for the first time on years, mission truly accomplished! 

Guile is a seasoned Fighter and battle tested Soldier. He is the Wisdom In that regard. He's also a father, though his work doesn't let him see Julia and Amy too often. It's the same family who convinces him not to show Mercy to Bison. Playing the Forgiveness straight.

Bunkichi and Mitsuko-1





Bunkichi, like most grandfatherly men would gift you treats. These are healing items namely 2 melon breads, a bottle of medicine and a fried bread. In the end of the link, You get a Persimmon, but you can't eat it. It's the key item to prove you can fuse for Kohryu.

To do any of this, you need a Persimmon tree leaf as proof. You can visit bookworms every day except Sunday, meaning that you can finish this link early on.

However that pales in comparison to Dojima and Sojiro, who owns the house/cafe you make into your base.

For Yu, the Dojima house lets him watch the Midnight hour, work at home,  eat stat changing food in the fridge, cook for his friends, order from the shopping channels, and unlock the social link for Nanako (who we will covering when we get to justice) his key item is a coffee mug that also unlock Kohryu, but to get pass rank 2, you must have a Persona that belongs to the Emperor Arcana.

But you can do more in Leblanc Cafe. Sojiro's training will increase your kindness stat. And he teaches you how to make coffee and curry. What's so special about this coffee and curry, you may ask? Well, they heal your Special points for your entire party and learning Coffee Master and Curry master makes this already Broken item More OP!

You can also do pull-ups on a support beam, Make Lockpicks, Check your going to the toilet...and order from the shopping channels. The only downside is Sojiro starts the game not trusting you, even if you spend time, he'll only give you coffee trivia instead of maxing your Link.

It's implied that Guile pilots Ryu around the world, by putting him in custody of the Air force, But no official claim to how Ryu crosses the ocean has ever been made, Guile and Ryu have worked many times the other world warriors for years in defeating Shadowloo, SIN, and now the Illuminati.

Bunkichi and Mitsuko-2





Bunkichi and Mitsuko are completely optional and bare no real consequences to the story.

The investigation into the Midnight Channel Murders, is the Main point of Persona 4. Dojima is one of the key figures, Being both a Guardian and a unintentional obstruction to the Investigation Team's own Endeavours

Like Dojima, Sojiro is Ren's guardian but he's not family in any way. Because being what Sojiro was told, he doesn't trust Ren/Joker in the beginning, If only when the bigger picture is revealed that everyone in the phantom thieves are connected back to Councilman Shido is when Sojiro trusts you.

He will still get angry with you if you date Futaba, Despite his warning.

Guile has fought Ryu before and respects him, but it seems he has no time for the more Mystical and Esoteric fighters he meets!

Bunkichi and Mitsuko-2




The winners are Dojima and Sojiro.

Join me in February when we continue this program of essays. Next time we start getting all Emotional when we cover The Lovers and The Chariot!

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