Monday, February 19, 2024


 We open the show with now former world's champion Alex Kane, who cuts a Promo about leaving, until Mr Thomas gives him a pep talk, but that leads to VT by World Titan Federation new signee, The Former Flop Dollar, AJ Francis. He cut a promo that he was part of the first all black faction and the crowd drowns the Promo with laughter, So Francis will make his debut at Intimidation Games. I have An Announcement, I'm afraid that since Intimidation Games is on the last Thursday on this month, I will be busy launching the Patrick's Day Special over on my Sister Site Bogger Box Office. And since there is no date in a return for Fusion, the next Time I may have results is next month's Once Upon a Time....In New York, on the 3rd week of the month. Wait, Last month's special was the 3rd week of January, it's the 3rd week of This month...I AM Sensing a pattern here one that I feel I should have copped on to when this was seemingly dropped from nowhere!

Anyway, let's get into the matches.

Wasted Youth and Nolo Kitano Vs The Dirty B*stards opened the Show. Wasted Youth have replaced the injured Dylan McKay and is replaced with Prince Harming, Austin Luke. I Must give credit where credit is due, Kitano is getting better on the matwork, especially if his opponent are Groundmasters like Tony Deppen, but when teamed with other Flippy Floppers it makes him stand out more! . Heels win after Mathers hurts himself with his own finish.

Meanwhile in the Torture P**n Studio, The Calling react to Raven turning on them.

Bobby Fish will have Alex Kane at Intimidation Games. 

Matt Riddle makes the challenge to new Japan for I.G. later we learn He will face some guy called Big Bad Tito!

Match 2 four-way women's match, LAZY BOOKING! Delmi Exo Vs Tiara James Vs Zayda Vs Notorious Mimi. Delmi has words with Salina who was out for commentary and it costs Delmi the match. Zayda wins.

Contra promo.

Openweight championship Ricky Shane Fat Mudshow F*CK Page retains via DQ Over Jake Crist- If you only remember Jake Crist from Impact running with Mr Attempted Murder T-Shirt, forget that version of this man, after his brother was named in Speakingout, Jake turned his life Around Clean and Sober for 3 years. At first it seems like Sami Callahan went to the back out of respect for his former friend ...then you remember this is Dumi Callahan you're talking about! Akira makes the save before Cannonball splashes Jake through a table. Jake Fame-Assers the Lard mountain through the table.

Court Bauer, Cesar Duran and MSL backstage earlier. Cesar wants to be matchmaker again, but Bauer will only make it so for his luchadores. Same with Monsieur Saint Laurent with his Titans. 

This leads to right now as Second Gear Crew meets Kojima and Okumura backstage, and despite language barrier, they would like to gave a match with the champions, which gets the ire of  World Titan Federation. As friendly Competition is a foreign concept to MSL. MSL is force feed a slice of bread.

Tom Lawlor Vs Matthew Justice with Mister Saint Laurent at Commentary. Good Match, Build up to WTF taking the Tag belts.

Cesar's Acquisition announcement. He will be Managing Mistico, Barbaria Cadavario and some Guy called Atlantis. Salina and the rest of Promotionales Dorado march out when Cesar calls her "A word for a female dog".  Spoiler that Rocky Romero lost the Historic Welterweight title and since that's not recognized by MLW, I am not updating my list of champions. Salina wants Mistico Vs Romero at Intimidation Games, but only if "El Zukar" puts the Middleweight belt on the line!.

Lumberjack and Jill match Between Love Doug and Brett Gosellin. Why is this feud continuing When Becca is not here anymore? Her name was never Mentioned by name when explaining this feud. Anyway, lumberjacks Fight off, Except Zayda, Distraction, Finish, pin, NEXT!~

In the Back, Akira and Raven tell us that they found an ally- but in Truth, Blue Meanie is back for a friend hire because of Raven!

WTF (Bulldog JNR And Richard Holiday) Vs Cozy Max (MLW World's champion Satoshi Kojima, and Okumura.) Both Japanese Wrestlers are 20 year veterans. But Despite the Age, Experience was There to see. 2 Seasoned Vets against A Member of a Wrestling Legacy and A Bluechip Athlete with all the potential in the World coming back from Near Death. You love to see it! It was all about Holiday who while he's taking it slowly after the Lymphoma, it's only natural, he's being re-entered into the World Title Scene once the ring -rust gets Knocked Off! Anyway, Kojima's Legendary LARIOT-O! Got the win. In the only match Faces won! 

Your Main Event: Jacob Fatu vs Mads Krule Kruger in a Baklai Brawl. I'm not going to say anything new or revolutionary here, But Once thing Wrong with Modern Wrestling that if you make a match when you make a Single Thing Legal, that Should Not mean EVERYTHING IS LEGAL! This was supposed to be A Match, where only a Baklai Warclub was Legal, It was never seen, Never mind used. Fatu knee gives out during Moonsault and Krule threw a fireball, hits Scorched Earth (Full Nelson Bomb)  and this is how they write out a Rumoured to be WWE bound Fatu- in a bodybag, Carried out by 20 masked Death Squad Pallbearers.

 Well That's it!

 During the Broadcast they Confirmed that Once Upon a Time...In New York is on During the 3rd Saturday in March. that will be my Next Review, on that Corresponding Monday. See you then! And over on Bogger Box office on Friday the 1st of March, I have a review of Irish Film the Quiet girl for you. Follow me on Twitter or Mastodon World @RealEnli.

And will See you Next Month!

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