Monday, August 12, 2024

MLW NEVER SAY NEVER 2024-Cozy A Title change Real Soon?

 List of Champions- NO CHANGES

  • World's-Satoshi Kojima
  • Openweight-Bad dude Tito
  • Middleweight-Mistico
  • Tag COZYMAX-Satoshi Kojima and Okumura
  • Featherweight-Janai Kai
(Due to A wellness Break, and family commitments, Blood and Thunder was not reviewed last month. So it will be Referenced below and Throughout.)


The World's Champion Satoshi Kojima is Injured with a foot injury, one that is progressively getting worse month by month, while opting to appear in tag and multi man matches will protect the belt, it's not a plan that can last forever! So who could take the belt from the master of the Larioto?

One such candidate is this year's battle Riot winner the No means no, bro! Matt Riddle Literally has a golden ticket for a ticket shot, one that was nearly lost in one of Sami Callahan's Torture P**ns he calls a wrestling Career!

The other is a more ominous threat, one Kojima faces tonight In the main event, as in a Six man tag match, Kojima and Okumura, are joined by Akira to face Contra, headed by the 7 foot monster, Mads Kruger, no doubt envisioning Kojima in the place in his latest victim, Matthew Justice In a twisted and Disturbing 3 stages of hell match at Blood and Thunder.

From Cruelty to Tradition, as the year starts to reach it's end, the Opening round of the Opera Cup continues its qualifiers, one match sees the co founders of Bomaye Fight Club, Alex Kane and Mr Thomas wrestle tonight, will they keep it civil or has AJ Francis' failed coup weathered their mutual trust?

And finally, Salina's Baby Father is revealed, as under the mask of one of Cesar's Azteca Henchmen, is.... Salina's Real life Boyfriend...well this is good...she can take Time off, and he can get smartened to the business.... considering the alternative they were fishing at, which was an In**st Angle!

Oh and an fat actor got whooped by a MMA legend, for embarrassing him out of a title shot! They will face each other in an MMA cage tonight.

Filmed as the undercard to Blood and Thunder, and on location in American Top Team Facility for the cage match, this is Never Say Never.

Right off the Bat, we open Backstage with Contra beating up on Okamura, Who will be Replaced In main event by Matt Riddle.

Opening Match was a qualifier for the Opera Cup. The Middleweight Champion Mistico vs Magnus. and if you seen one Mistico Match you've seen them all. Mistico wins by Submission.

Backstage in Cesar's Office we get Telenovela Bulls**t as Selina and Tito Fawn over Baby carriages. Cesar calls over the Father of the Baby (Who is never named!) for not wearing his Henchman Mask. Cesar tells him that he more than ever represents AZTECA LUCHA, So he gives him a more Ornate Henchman mask.

Second Qualifier Match-Bad Dude Tito the Openweight Champion Vs the debuting Welsh man, Danny Jones, Jones has some size to him so this was a Bullfight, and the perfect match for Tito, Any bigman can throw around a smaller man, what's impressive is when he does it to someone Just as Big! Tito goes through.

Backstage MSL tries to Bribe Mr Thomas, to turn on Alex Kane ahead of their Qualifier.

Brett Ryan Goseleen Vs Jake Crist with Bomb Shelter Boy Bobby Fish On commentary. After the BRG win, Fish and Goseleen fake a Heated interview to sucker Crist in to attack him. Brett is evolving his character going from looking like a certain doll to being a new Version of a certain Indie darling heel, as he is now introduced as "The BRG" 

IS THE WORLD TITAN FEDERATION IMPLODING? It sure looked that way, when Bulldog Jnr lost all Composure and got disqualified, choking Aj out with a sleeper hold! 

Delmi Exo Vs Renee Michelle. After the match some other Job-Girl called Gigi....Allen- I Dunno I thought they was an Gigi Allen on NXT, isn't that Tam*on Girl? Anyway, Renee got in the face of this Gigi Allen, and got whooped. And worse of all, Renee and Drake Maverick still haven't Consummated the marriage!
That's an old WWE joke right there!

The next match was Wrestled Greatly and Told a great Story. As Bomaye Co-founders Mr Thomas and Alex Kane Face in the last Qualifier for the evening. They Told a great Story here, as they Build Mr Thomas as not only as a powerhouse, Which he is, But as a Strategist, who knows all of Kane's Moves and had countermeasures to them. in fact this was the first time I've seen Thomas break out the full extent of his moves, usually the matches are one and one with a punch and a powerbomb, the Finish was Kane Spearing Thomas, as it was something Thomas didn't expect! After the match, Both hug and Thomas wished Kane Well, Fantastic Match. 

Dave Maurvez attempts to interview BRG and Bobby Fish. The Word of the Day is "Accountability"  and they walk off, with Maurvez looking on and screaming angrily for them to explain themselves.


If anyone has seen Tom Lawlor's Credibility, Please Return it to him? Filmed in American Top team gym, Tom Lawlor and the FAT GUY FROM THE KARATE KID SHOW NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO BE ON REAL TELEVISION!, Faced each other in a SNL Wrestling skit! This was AEW levels of Hokey, the crowd hated this because they left the crowd mic on and they Booed, because they paid money for a pre-recorded Match! At least WWE and even TNA Had the sense to turn off Mics during cinematic Matches. This was embarrassing! They threw stools at each other, they sandwiched each other in Between Heavy Punching Bags. Paul Walter Hauser got Powerbombed though a table full of packets of crisps, only for the fatman to reach for a bag of Doritos under his fat butt and eat them and powered up like Popeye on Spinach! But the finish was something else-Lawlor got Nunchucks and himself in the head with them, making him loopy enough to get hit with a DDT! This is Hybrid Wrestling! This was the thing Court Bauer said they did better than anyone else! 

Contra Vs Kojima/Akira/Riddle. The Ref was used as Battering ram by the faces in the jumpstart. Big Confusing schmaltz as these matches quickly become, Finish was Kruger was going to smash in Kojima's face with a steel chair. only for Akira to take the hit, Unfortunately Akira just so happened to be the legal man for his team. Could we be looking at the new Champion in Mads Kruger at night of the Beasts. I think so!

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