Monday, September 16, 2024



World's Satoshi Kojima

Openweight Bad Dude Tito

Middleweight Mistico


Featherweight Janai Kai. 

Previously on Major League Wrestling....

The promotion is now feeling like the Wild west right now. With Contra and Bobby Fish and World Titan Federation all running roughshod while the the feuding promoters settle their differences between baby showers. 

Kojima's hand slipped last month when he lost the tag belt to Contra, will he lose the world's title to Contra's leader?

And speaking of endings, the Semi and Finals of the Historic Opera Cup are also to be decided. Will Tito Escondido bring it home for Promotionceles Dorado? Will TJP bring back to New Japan, Will Kenta add this to his long list of accomplishments? Or will Mistico become the 1st Mexican in its 100 plus year legacy to hold this coveted prize?

Semi Final 1 was The "Aswog" TJPQ VS KENTA. If this was 5 years ago, this match would be a big deal-Now it's a fight between 2 guys would each blew their chance of worldwide fame because of their egos, The Start was a headscissors to the outside by Perkins, following out the ring with a Basement Dropkick. brawl on the outside, they come back in TJP Applies a Sharpshooter. Kenta gets to the ropes and gets Mudhole stomped in the Corner and falls out for a breather, the crowd starts to boo Kenta!- like this is Big star we heard about? Kenta now has advantage after with an ambush. What's good for the Goose, is good for the Gander, Kenta is Stomping a hole in TJP. TJP Fires back with a falling arm lock, a suplex and a 3 Amigos and finishes with an octopus Stretch. Mamba Splash hits Kenta's Knees and he signals Go To Sleep, flurries of attacks by both into the Double count out spot. The ref is nearly taken out and a roll up gets 2, a second ref rump and TJPQ Gets A Blow South of the border, he wishes a wall was built-MORON!


Straight away into Semi Final 2, The Middleweight champion Mistico versus the openweight champion Bad Dude Tito. Mistico Blitzes the big man, but Tito has the power advantage. it's good the mlw finally has booked some Diversity in the Mistico Matches. Commentary make a big deal that one night prior in Mexico, Mistico defeated in a 3 falls match, Chris Jericho. and unless Chris jericovid had an Oxygen mask at ringside, he was not going to last a match like that! So No doubt Mistico's back is hurting carrying the Jer-insurrectionist to a believable match! Finish was Crucifix Pin During the Tequila Screwdriver, and this Atlanta crowd exploded!


Earlier this week, Andersons, Fish and BRG do a Horsemen Cosplay. Seriously, Brock was Dressed like his father Arn and BRG is now just A Ric Flair Lookalike!

Now this is Gonna Be Good! Dijak Vs Thatcher. Lock Up and Side headlock by Thatch, Whose Groundwork seems to be the trick to keep down "The Disruptor", but Donavan seems to give it as good as he can take it. Finish was the Discus Boot, the Precursor to the Feast Your Eyes. Dijak wins his debut with a world class opponent. After the match open challenges issued by Saint Laurent for anyone who thinks they can beat his new client. 

BRG and  Bobby "Bomb Shelter" Fish invade Ringside to call commentary on the Next match. running off Christian Cole. this is a bad idea to let Bobby Fish, the guy who carpools Drake Weurtz to PTA Meetings, to express his opinion!

Tag match Andersons Vs Bombaye Fight Club. This Atlanta Crowd give Alex Kane the hometown Pop. CW Anderson and Kane start off, but it falls off real quick. the Andersons get momentum early and Brett Ryan Goseleen did some great heel work, on the mic, Fish has no personality behind the camera! Mr Thomas gets a tag and a Hart Attack Double team for his troubles. A ref Bump happens and the match breaks down as Goseleen and Fish attacks the faces. The soon to Debut Kevin Knight comes out to take out the heels with a flip dive!

But he's not the only Surprise!

Here's Jumped-up Bullying Lowlife, here to Take out the only black men in the match, and leaves. giving the heels a cheap win when the ref recovers. After the match, CW Says the endtimes are coming, the Apocalypse in on it's way, but not in anyway you thought, for they are the Rogue Horsemen! and I'm sure all this Apocalypse talk is putting "Bomb Shelter Bobby" in his happy place!

Backstage Tito is throwing a tantrum until he runs into Matthew Justice. The Food at Home Seth Rollins challenges Tito for his belt which we will get at Slaughterhouse Next Month.

Adam Priest Vs Okumura... I didn't pay much attention to this match, Okumura got the win because he is the champions friend! After the match Contra came out to intimidate Okumura, but since it was Just Ikuro, So Akira took him out!

Riddle wishes Kojima good luck before leaving for the night, Tom Lawlor and MSL challenges Riddle for the Golden Ticket at Pit Fighters in a fortnight in a MMA fight under Vale Tudo Rules

World's title match was a Stinker! Krule Despite his Contra Comrades being took out, had this match Won, But then in front of the Referee, throw a fireball right at Kojima's face, causing a DQ!


After the match Riddle, who tricked the heels by pretending to leave came out to help Kojima and stare angrily at Kruger!

And Finally, MLW at least wanted to send the crowd home happy, as despite having a few Flippies and Dippies in the match, Mistico defeated A wily and Heelish Kenta to make history as the first Mexican to win the Opera Cup. Despite the closing Minutes Kenta was on offensive taking advantage of causing a ref bump and giving his opponent a low blow, The Psycho knee only got a 2, the set up for Go-to sleep became a La Mistica and Kenta Taps, Giving Mistico the Win. The Cup is just a prize with no title shot attached, But it does put your career on notice when you win. Just ask Alex Kane!

I will see you in 2 weeks for Pit Fighters, which will be deferred to Monday the 30th!

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