The Hanged Man is the 13th card of the Tarot's Major Arcana. Designated 12 and is both powered by the Planet Neptune and the element of water, Symbolising the collective pool of Conscious Thought and Emotions.
The Hanged Man is the most Bizarre card in the deck and despite it's name and the connotations it brings, this figure is hanging by his ankle, tied to a branch of a tree, over a river.
In the narrative of the Fool's Journey, the former Fool now Hermit comes across a man hanging from a branch of a fruit tree on the bank of a river. The Hermit approaches to attempt to rescue the man only to be told not to.
The Hanged Man explains that he is living a Perfect Simple Life, he has food, he has water, he has shade and when he's tired he can easily pull himself up and rest in the canopy.
He has everything he needs. There is one thing he doesn't have being suspended by his leg to a Tree Branch: Privacy, from the countless people trying to "Rescue" him.
Like the Upside down view of the Hanged Man, you may want to change the perspective of your life. This card means Sacrificing something to gain someone greater, but you must be patient. Inverted, it means Manipulation, Selfishness, and Acting the Martyr.
Showing us their World view, are Maiko Oohashi, a grade Schooler caught in the middle of her parent's divorce, Naoki Konishi, the Brother of the second victim, Saki, Muneshisa Iwai, the Gruff Owner Airsoft Owner and Rolento Sugerg, Final Fight's Perfect Soldier.
Maiko Oohashi
On the Grounds of the local temple, there is a playground, where a girl playing there asks Minato Yuki to get her something to eat. So you help her out, as she asks for Takoyaki and a "Big Kid Drink"
Understanding that meant a drink from the vending machine in your dorm, you get her some food and you have a little lunch with your new little friend, the Girl calls herself Meiko and she wants to be friends with you.
Meiko explains that she asked for food because her parents were late because they are constantly arguing about getting Divorced and argue the odds about everything. When she asks why, they blow her off saying it's a grown-up thing "You wouldn't understand!"
She also introduces you to another friend of her's, a Sickly Looking thin man she calls Striped Shirt(more on him when we Cover The Sun.)
Meiko is worried her Father won't come to her birthday, So you comfort her. The next time you Meet she tells you her party went great her parents never argued once, So naively she she going to ask why they are getting a divorce and if she can get rid of the reason , they can stay forever, which leads to her father Hitting her for pressing the issue and her mother saying that it's "Her Fault", So the poor girl thinks she is the reason for their divorce and Runs away
When she Does, Meiko's Parents Try looking for her, You Suggest the Takoyaki Stand and sure enough, there she is, The Parents are Relieved That their Daughter is safe, But she still wants her Parents Not to Divorce, So they Bring her home and they finally explain it to her. But there is something else: Custody! As much as Meiko wants to stay in Tokyo with her Father, Her Mother and Her is moving away, So she wants one more time to play on everything in the playground with Minato. She doesn't want him to forget her.....Because when she come back when she's all grown up, she wants to marry him! So she gives him a home made ring now, because when she comes back She'll have the real thing!
The Story is both sides of the Hanged Man's interpretation. The Perspective of a Child in midst of a divorce and the Manipulation, Selfishness and Martyrdom Aspects of the Inversion. A short Story but one that i'm sure hits home for a lot of People. Meiko gets a Point.
Naoki Konishi
The Shadow of the Midnight Channel Murders Weighed Heavy on the minds of people of Inaba, Especially on the Family of Second Victim, Saki Konishi
To Keep it Brief, since we covered her Murder when we covered Yosuke in the Magician (See Tarotober Part 1-The Fool and The Magician) The Kanishi Family owns the local Liquor Store, Until the supermarket chain Junes came to town and drove Local Trade down. Saki using the fact The manager's Son, Yosuke's Crush on her, and by her own Volition, Got a job at Junes, to Manipulate Money out of Yosuke and use that Money to skip town and Elope with her Boyfriend, and not inherit a failing business, a plan she nearly got away with if she didn't find the body of a newscaster hanging telephone wires! And ending up sharing the same fate!
One day after School you and a Boy you never met are asked/forced to clean the Homeroom. They work silently until the blond boy asks his partner if he knows Yosuke, you tell him yes, and he responds that he hates him, and By Association, Hates You! That's when he tells you who he is, Naoki Konishi, the brother of the Murdered Saki Konishi, who shares the view that Yosuke's Family ruined his! As he leaves, he drops a scarf that Yu returns, to start the social link proper, the scarf was his sister's and after her demise, it's the only thing he had left. Naoki realizes that he overreacted and hopes to move on as friends.
Naoki's story is the Aftermath of his Sister's Murder and what was learned from it, because of the same Morbid Curiosity that Almost plagued the Amagi Family Inn, Ironically his Family's Liquor store is getting more Business, But in the Midst of all of it, he now has Well-wishers tell him he should "Live an Admirable Life!" A backhanded way of saying Saki died for attempting to abandon her Family! However any attempt to move on and have a laugh, is met with Disgust from neighbours, all these so called Well-wishers make a point to remind him not to be a Sinful Runaway like his Sister, which Ironically only makes him want to Runaway even more! It gets worse at school, he is now exempt from everything as if anything he does has no consequences. The next time they meet, Naoki tells a story that Saki would eat his Creampuffs if he put them in the fridge. Only to see them expire, uneaten finally cementing in his mind, that his sister will never come home. He is stuck with this grief and doesn't know what to do!
He decides to take action! To make up his opinion on Junes, by going there with you to meet Yosuke. He tells Naoki how much he looks like his Sister which annoys him to no end....he's more than the Dead Girl's Brother.
So the next stage of his grief is going to where they found her body, the telephone pole. He wants to know why he hasn't really cried yet. Is that why everyone is looking at him Strangely because he hasn't cried yet? He just wants to live more and when it happens, he cries!
Naoki's Story is the Perspective of the Hanged Man, the family of a fallen Victim. Death is a hard thing to handle especially when well-wishers overstep their boundaries to tell the Bereaved how to Act, Think or Feel. Naoki was in such a state, he felt that crying was the worst thing he could have done. He felt like in his words that he was standing on the bank of a river, waiting for Saki to turn up on the other side, but now he wants to live more even if it means inheriting a dying business, because living means not giving up on life!
Muneshisa Iwai
Before I start I would like to address the Elephant in the room, in regards to the terrible timing that was this post's production.
Despite Japan's stringent Gun laws, to the point only police and army can carry firearms, This year Former Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe was Shot dead during a public Rally.
Since this essay I will be talking about Gun-Running, Modding Airsoft guns and the Yazuka-it would be in bad taste not to say something.
So with that, on to Iwai's Story.
The idea that Ren and his new friend Ryuji to go into another world to settle the score with a Pervy Teacher and him not know, excited Ryuji, but they needed Supplies, Thankfully Ryuji knew two places a clinic for cheap meds, (more on that later!) And an Airsoft Shop owned by a Grizzled Unfriendly looking man called Iwai,
Ren asked why come here, and Ryuji In a bit of cleverness, reckoned that in a world of Pure Cognition, Iwai's Realistic Models would shoot real Bullets because they look like the real deal, Iwai would pay no mind to the Customers, as long as they pay and don't ask about the bag hanging above the counter.
Gaining the Courage to actually ask about the bag, Iwai hires Joker to be his assistant, but in reality he has let Ren into the secret Life of The Yazuka. I'm sure Ren was like "Well, In For A Penny!...." If Ren keeps his pie-hole Shut, he'll Give him discounts on his Wares and Under the table Special Menu items.
Iwai's Social is his attempts on going Straight, and keeping alive the Yazuka's Code of honour that drew him into the gang world years ago. But it's hard to go straight when the Mafia and the Triads are about to go to war over a Cache of 1000 Million Yen of Guns is about to Happen.
One day a Bespectacled Boy named Kaoru Visited His Shop, he is Iwai's Adopted son, the result of a Druggie Mother, who tried to sell the baby for more Blow! Though To protect him, Iwai has told him a lie, his parents died in a car crash. It's a lie, but he wants Kaoru to continue to be a respectable man, something Mune wants to keep that way! Despite the Gang Leader Tsuda wanting him back into the fold, Iwai refuses, but Tsuda pulls a gun and threatens Kaoru's life! Ren asked Iwai for Tsuda's Full name so he can change his heart in Mementos.
Despite Changing Tsuda's Heart, Kaoru is still Kidnapped by another gang leader, Muda! Holding a knife to Kaoru's throat, he make Muneshisa still his guts about his son's true Parentage, but Kaoru doesn't care, Iwai IS his father no matter what, Muda enjoying what he is doing is about to kill Kaoru, until Tsusa arrives with Backup, and without blood spilt, Muda stands Down. Later Iwai thanks Joker for what he had Done, figuring out who he is, and he's glad his custom jobs are used for Good.
Iwai's Story is one of Redemption and like the others a Story of Self Sacrifice as Both a gang Member and later Father, but also inverted aspects of manipulation, Due to the Blackmail.
His life was not perfect, he's not completely straight, but he's Trying!
Rolento Sugerg
Street fighter shares an Universe with other Capcom Games, including the arcade side scrolling beatem up Final Fight, whose original name in Japan is Street Fighter 89,
The game follows the Denizens of Metro City, A crime infested Slum teaming with Hulking Thugs, Deranged Killers, Corrupt Cops and whatever the hell Sodom is supposed to be!
Planning to Clean up the city of the Mad Gear Gang, one Broken Face at a time, were The trio of Wrestler turned Mayor Mike Hagger, who's daughter Jessica was kidnapped by the Mad Gears, Cody Travers the Fiance of Jessica and Guy, a wandering Ninja, (As You Do!)
But before they cleaned up the the streets themselves, the prior Mayor had a similar plan: send a Battalion of Red Beret Soldiers, the Best most Perfect, Incorruptible Soldiers. They will succeed where the police did not! After all they had the guidance of a Seasoned Soldier, Colonel Rolento Surgerg.
But rather than Clean Up Metro City of the Mad Gear, the PTSD-laden Soldier JOINED them, Somehow seeing in Metro City a vision of a Utopia filled with Ready Made Soldiers, all they need was Discipline and a quick Cash flow, Like maybe...Cocaine?
Yes in the Original Final Fight, Rolento was the Boss Guarding a Huge Shipment of Product! Upon the Defeat of the Mad Gear, some of them went Separate Ways, Some went Straight and help Rebuild, some remained Crooks and Rolento?
He saw Bison, and Told Sodom to hold his Beer!
And so, we find Rolento in the Alpha Series, making his Debut in the Street fighter Universe, Joining the Tournament to Conscript Fighters into his army, and he has two Candidates in mind, His Former Subordinate, Sodom, and Cody Travers, the Hero who defeated the Mad Gear.
The thing is Sodom, only wanted a life of Peace, he wanted to win the tournament so he could open, Of all things, A Kabuki Theatre in the Florida Everglades!
That Actually Happened! |
And Cody before becoming Mayor Had Fallen off the Deep end and was serving time in Prison.
The Hero who Got the Girl, became the Man who Just Wouldn't Stop and Now he's incarcerated for Assault. Rolento Felt Sorry for the former hero who left Cody to be rearrested.
Rolento would Face Bison But his confidence was Misplaced, Bison would have killed him, if Sodom didn't Drove in with his Truck and rescued him.
Years Later Rolento would finally Amass an Army of his own, all they needed was land for their "Utopia" Rolento got Intel that the Shadaloo Intelligence Network "S.I.N."-Has announced a street fighter Tournament that is a front to field-test their creation, a Perfect Soldier. A Boast Rolento takes Offence to, After all a Soldier isn't made in a Lab in months, but by years in the battlefield,
It may Shock you to learn, But Ryu only defeated Seth, it was Rolento who destroyed Seth Body with his grenades, the reason Seth is in a new Body in 5. the last time we see in Rolento's ending is his eyes shutting down.
As of Street Fighter 6 announcement, Rolento has yet to be Confirmed, But with the tournament Held in Metro City, expect a Cameo at least!
Despite Twisted by Madness, Rolento is Ironically the most Earnest Example of the Hanged Man Here!
His "Sacrifice" is his Dignity, selling drugs to fund his "Utopia". Even Sodom Call him out on his greed when it blinds his ideals. However his Moral Compass is not Completely Out of Whack, he feels sorry for Cody for losing his way and given the chance to steal the Psycho Drive, he instead destroys the machine with Mind control Properties it citing that Ruling without Free Will is Bad M'Kay! And before you ask, would Teaming with Ibuki in Street fighter X Tekken count as Self Sacrifice, Since the Ninja Clans are Rolento's Enemies? Sorry, but that Game is Not Canon!
To start Meiko's Social Link, You must give her the Weird Takoyaki and a can of Mad Bull from the Dorm's Vending Machine. She plays everyday except Sunday. Her Gift is the Bead Ring Prove that you can fuse for Attis. All the Maxing out gift do this! So assume it I said that they all do. She also Introduces you to Akinari- The Striped Shirt-another Social Link
Meeting Naoki is an Automatic Event, But you must Speak to him twice before he opens up but you also need level 3 Understanding to understand Grief and it to be 5 to finish, he can be found in school Monday to friday and in the Shopping District on the Weekends. His Gift is The Junes Receipt, also used to earn Attis!
After you ask about the Bag hanging from the Rafters (Provided your Guts is level 3,) Iwai hires you and teaches you how to Customize, increasing through 3 levels of the Skill and your Proficiency level increases each time and you are given a Discount, all it all starts with a bag, containing a gun you now own. His proof to earn Attis is the Gecko Pin.
If Ryu and Rolento had Officially met, I doubt the conversation would go beyond "Join My Army"
Maiko has no real bearing on Minato's Story At Large.
For the sake of Brevity both Naoki and Hisano add their words of Encouragement to Yu, during the cinematic final turn against Izanami.
Iwai is the only reliable source of weapons, that is if you go through the whole game without fixing the Laptop. So he and Tae are the more useful side characters who add their cheers in Joker's Cinematic final Turn against Yaldabaoth.
Rolento wants Ryu to join his army, just like everyone else, and Ryu has no real idea who Rolento is and what he had done Previously!
The winner is Iwai.
Death is 14th Card of the Major Arcana, Designated 13 and powered by the Star sign Scorpio.
Equally the most well known and Most Misunderstood Card in all the Tarot.
The Grim Reaper, As Depicted In The Book of Revelation on a white horse, Rides towards a group of 3, A rich Dark Skinned Old man, a fair skinned Young Girl in Rags and a dog, all of begging, pleading or showing anger that death is Approaching. This shows the enviably of Death: Man, Woman or Beast, young or old, Rich or Poor, whatever Race or Creed, Death comes for everyone!
The Death Card DOES NOT MEAN DEATH! (Ironic since death plays a role in the stories I'm reviewing!)
The Death Card is the Counterpart to the Magician, But while the Magician card is a change from Within, the death card means a change being forced upon, one that seems hard at first, But it will be a hardship that makes you Stronger after it. Inverted it means an enforced change, one that makes one into a martyr, vices, heartbreak, the denial of problems to others.
For a single Person, it's usually someone older than the enquirer, or someone born under Scorpio.
Sitting Glumly in the Funeral parlour, Are Pharos, A boy who visits Minato's Dreams, Hisano Kuroda, Death Herself, Dr Tae "Plague" Tameki, and Sagat, The King of Muai Thai.
When Minato Yuki first Arrived to The Gekkokan High Boarding House, At the desk a Frightengly pale Child hands you a clipboard for you to sign, thinking it's the terms For living here, the contract only has 7 words printed.
Minato signs the Contract, but When Junpei asks you who are you talking to, he tells you there is never anyone working the desk!
Then the shadows attack during Minato's first dark hour and when Yukari's Evoker fell at his feet, a vision of The boy tells him to point it at his temple and to "Go On!", Yuki would point the gun to his temple, fire and Summon a Persona, Orpheus, the master of Strings, but that's not all was summoned as from inside Orpheus, something ripped out of his jaws to crawl out.
Thanatos-The God Of Death
Every full moon, The Dark Hour would send a powerful Greater Shadow to kill and learn of Humanity and it's weaknesses. And every time one is Destroyed, Minato would be visited in his dream , while still in his Bed, the boy would tell Minato in riddles what will happen next but he couldn't tell you his past, he gives himself the name Pharos.
Pharos wants to be your Friend... because how else would you know your Enemies? Pharos warned about Straga, the Evil Persona users, as well as him questioning his own existence. On the defeat of the "Final" Boss, Pharos says goodbye during the next morning, something is changing, he knows who he is, or Rather who we will be, he tells Minato that they are Friends and their link to each other can never be severed- Remember that!
That day at school, you are introduced to a New Student in your Class: Ryoji Mochizuki, Pharos' "Cooler Daniel" Form, Flirty and Extroverted he is like a better version of Minato, Everyone likes Ryoji...except Aigis who knows who he is!

It's during the next Dark Hour Aigis Confronts Ryoji on the Moonlight Bridge, with him not remembering how he got here. He Remembers with some coaxing, that he fought Aigis 10 years ago during the incident Yukari's father, and Minato's Parents Died, breaking the Seal of the Door to death saw Death himself in his fight with the Robotic Aigis, ripped the shadow into two beings- Orpheus and Thanatos, and in her desperation, sealed the 2 shadows into a young boy whose parents just died being caught in the battle- Minato Yuki!- Thanatos was weakened into a Second personality called Pharos, that gained Power with the felling of each Greater Shadow, inadvertently completing a ritual to summon The Fall of Mankind via the entity Ryoji would become the vessel to, Nyx. But like the Door to Mankind becoming a human, the God of death likes his life, but he is going mad, so he wants Minato to kill Him out of kindness.
Doing so will rewrite History, stripping Personas away and giving the player the bad ending, with you and your friends Blissfully unaware during A Night out, killed by the Fall without them realising
Pharos is Death, a God of Death going through a Enforced change beyond his control-Ironically, A life! Thus also the Transformation Aspect of the Death Card. He want to be killed, is also the Martyrdom Aspect of the Inverted Card.
Pharos gets a point.
Hisano Kuroda
The Next 4 Social Links are obtained via after school Jobs, All based on your attributes- Diligence, Academics and Understanding. If you have enough Diligence and wish to max it out, then take the Job as a night janitor in a seemingly haunted hospital.
We will speak about the Nurse you work under next time, but for now we will speak of the Elderly Widow, you mistake as a ghost, of who stares a hole into you when you first meet, she introduced herself as Death, the Recently Bereaved, Hisano Kuroda.
Hisano has lived in Inaba all her life, so she never meet Yu Til now. She takes a shining to him, who according to her, Yu has more than just a passing resemblance to her late husband.
Meetings in her Social Link is her memories of her husband, of her own fears of her own Morality. Having a friend really helps....but you look too much like him, so she doesn't want to see you again, though she is in two minds when you see Her again, so she gives you a story about how he use to send her love letters but forgotten where she kept them,
You find the Letters but she has plans on burning them, you read some and she exclaimed the man who wrote that is not the man she buried, You ask her what she meant, she explains why she is going to Hell when she dies.
Recently, her Husband Got what I assume is Either Alzheimer's or Parkinson's (it's never directly named), how Bedridden, the husband would complain and not Recognize her and attack her only for her to cry and him to Comfort her in Moments of Clarity. But got worse when he forgot who she was completely! Heartbroken, Hisano would spend All that time til now wishing his death.
And now that guilt won't go away!
Her Guilt is so Great She Doesn't want to see the letters ever again. So you convince her that look at the Letters SHE sent HIM. Reading them again she realizes that she didn't want him dead, she was just sad that he had forgotten all about her and her love she gave him over the years.
In the end she tells you she is moving away to live with her children, she was Reluctant to leave her town after a long life, but he she would spend the rest of her life mourning. So she is leaving for good, But before she leaves, she give you a Fountain pen, for you to write love letters to your beloved and some advice- live a long life, it is the greatest you gift you can grant your loved ones.
This Story hits Hard and it resounds with other people who played it first hand or saw it on a let's play. I don't like to talk about my personal life, and I won't name her or divulge any thing I don't want to, but someone dear to me went through the same thing and before she died, she lost the ability to speak, and it lead to her having a complete change of her personality.
Anyway to the story once more, Hisano gets a point for face Value like they all do for mentioning Death, but if we dig deeper, we find that Hisano is almost every aspect of the straight and inverted meanings. Her husband's illness is transformation, the burning letters is the Enforced change. And refusal of her family's help is no doubt the denial aspect.
With a Bit of Bias, due to my experience Hisano gets a point.
Tae Tameki
Ryuji, in his Excitement on buying weapons to take down a Pervy Teacher without him even knowing. Went over budget in buying weapons, so when the time came to buy Medicine and healing items. They only had 100 Yen to buy a box of bandaids.
As Morgana calls Ryuji an idiot. He fought back. I mean, there is no way a means for you to make money and get Medicine at knock down prices is going to walk into The café.
And then she did!
This was your Local GP, Who in Goth Makeup and Alt Style and Flirty Demeanor, had that sense of Danger. As Ren Served the Doctor her Morning Joe, She tells Sojiro she is working on making a new Drug to help in Focusing! Morgana suggests inquiring about the Drug. After Insisting it's just a Study Aid, Tae tells you it's not for Sale, But then tells you there is an Alternative as she locks herself with the naive Student.
She won't Sell you this Medicine, but she will use your body....For Field tests! She attempts to frighten you off by giving you a cup of medicine, which Ren Chugs with no fear! When Ren Comes to It's now Evening and Tae thinks you are either brave or Stupid, but one thing you are also is hired!
Tae's Story is that she was Blacklisted as A Surgeon after a Medical Mistake Put a Child called Miwa in A Coma, She was Not Sued or completely written off, but she was Demoted to General Practitioner, her lack of Clientele giving her free time to create her original Medicines. But the Truth is that the University Hospital only Treat the Very Rich, Case in Point when a Father desperate for care, Comes to Tae with his Daughter's Bronchitis , when she Examines the girl, she tells Joker to get her the contents of drawer and Hurry. The Girl was Misdiagnosed and given Medicine to Alleviate her Symptoms, when She Learns the same Doctor who treated them in the same Doctor who Bares the Grudge against her, she waives her fee.
Later You learn The Girl Tae and Oyamada were operating on was Suffering from a Muscular Distrophy Condition. and Tae's Experimental Medicine she was given put her in the coma, Because of which, Tae was Scapegoated and Blacklisted, for simply following Orders.
One Day doing the Rounds. Tae tells you ever since Saving that girl, the town has learned of her Original Medicines, that they ask Ridiculous things from her but at least she has earned their trust and that's when Dr Oyamada turns up about Tameki stealing his patients. He wants Tae to leave or he will tell everyone that Tae is a Child-killer, because he just learned that Miwa Died in her Coma. Tae is devastated, But Joker feels that something is up. So he asks what Oyamuda's full name is, Hoping to find his Shadow In Mementos, which he does.
Defeating it, Oyamuda gives a press Conference, taking blame for Miwa's Coma and explaining he LIED about her Death. Tae is Now Vindicated.
But she feels that she can't cure Miwa's Illness herself so she gives her Research to a Fellow Doctor to find a cure, Which she is recruited into, She accepts but it means she will have to close her Clinic. But she has Met the Townspeople and finished her Studies and it wouldn't happened without "Her Phantom Guinea Pig"! Yes She works Out who he is too!
Because of her past life, Tae like all of our contestants will Gain a point for just Face Value alone, But once Again lets Dig Deeper.
Her Striking of the Register is the Transformation ascept, a Harsh fate that doesn't spare Feelings or Ego, Ending with Lost Friendship.
Also the Whole Goth Aesthetic is a Reference to Death itself!
His Name means Guardian or Protector in Thai. As Champion Of his Village, His Might as a warrior has made him Like A King to his people.
Ironic that it didn't start Like that!
Let's Go all the way Back to the very first Tournament, were Sagat was the Unstoppable Juggernaut Of the Underworld fight scene. A simpler time where Street fighter was Gritty and not Bankrolled by Bored Millionaires and or Cults!
Growing Up Poor, and leaving his Village for the Slums of Bangkok At the age of 15, The boy born with Gigantism was already 7 ft at this age. Sagat made his money in Illegal Streetfights, For years after Sagat Reigned Undefeated and Unchallenged Until the Day the Master of a Karate Dojo came to avenge his School being Vandalised
Go Hibiki.
Despite the Size Disadvantage, Go, a Skilled Master was too Much for a Brutish Amateur, However an accidental palm strike Gouged Sagat's Right Eye and in his Rage, Sagat felt Something Burning inside him, Chi Energy, That Manifested into an Attack called Tiger Shot, that Burned Go's chest with A fiery blast before being Pummeled to Death with Strikes and Clinches, as Go's Son Dan watched on in horror, vowing vengeance, as his father's corpse was lifted by his limp neck!
Then Came the Final battle against Sagat and a young Japanese Fighter named Ryu.
The Tiger and the Dragon had there first Legendary Fight, Matching blow to Blow. When it was all said and done.....
Despite what he had done Previously, Sagat was a good Sport to try and help Ryu up, But that's when it happened. The Urge to be Strong, twisted itself in Ryu at that Moment, and with a cry and a surge of Flame, Ryu had Uppercutted Sagat's Chest so hard...IT CAUGHT FIRE! Leaving him with the Scar we see in his Design to this day!
This is the true Untamed power Ryu had in him.
The Satsui No Hadou
Shaking with Fear, Ryu ran off, thinking He had Just Killed Sagat.
Only he wasn't dead, but the Injury was so Gruesome all his gang members ran off. Only a New Benefactor was left and offered the Fallen King a new life.
A life of greater power as his Bodyguard for his "Good Samaritan"
Soon, Combined with the Disgraced Boxing Champion, Balrog and the Spanish Ninja Vega, Sagat and Bison were the Four Kings of Shadaloo, the Four most Dangerous Men on the planet, But Sagat wanted one thing, Revenge on Ryu.
However Something Turned Up that Made Sagat Change his Outlook
Or should i say, Someone
Dan Hibiki, the Son of Go Hibiki
After Seeing Ryu Body Sagat, Dan Wanted To learn Ryu's Style So he could get his revenge, however Gouken would Dismiss Dan as he would not teach the Art of Fighting Solely For Revenge or Profit, more on that later.
Whacked With Guilt, Sagat's Own Bracket saw him Paired Against the Pink Gi Wearing Simpleton! With all the Taunting by Dan, with his weak one handed fireball, his Short hop uppercut, his moves that make him stumble and Trip like an Buffoon, when the Match was over....
Sagat threw the Fight!
Emboldened and Unaware that Sagat felt pity for the idiot, Dan Quit the Tournament to teach his Fake Martial Art to the Masses, Sagat also left, but this was not a Victory, But a Penance as he Returned to his Village and asked the Elders for Forgiveness.
A Forgiveness as the Village's Protector he had to earn, And many times Shadaloo had sent Soldiers to take out the "King", Undaunted, he Joined the Fourth Tournament to fight Ryu Again, But this time, as rivals, not enemies.
In 5, Sagat learns that his scar had inadvertently transferred the Satsui No Hadou to his body, making him hear his voice telling him to kill and see his servants and villagers as Demons taunting him to kill them. He controls himself but in the process, but gains a greater understanding and Respect to Ryu, not only fighting strong opponents, but only The Monster Within.
Shockingly, Sagat has not being Confirmed for 6. And in a game that's about a world without Shadaloo. Who knows? He's maybe dlc.
Sagat's 2 Disfigurements and His fall from Grace, are the Transformation Aspect, on top of gaining the Wave of Murderous Intent. The Transformation from Rival to friend also counts as his change from Evil to the side of Justice!
As your enemy, Pharos' Social Link Progresses, Automatically, As it Skips Rank 2, 4,7 and 10
To Start Hisano's Social link you must Reach Sayoko's Social Link to 4 (more on Her on the next Essay!), But to do so, you MUST have Chosen the Janitorial Job at the Hospital, which requires level 3 Diligence to be there in the First place, after that you can visit her on the riverbank every Sunday, except holidays. To Progress past Rank 6, you must obtain the Husband's Letters after visiting the Metalworks, which as your go to for selling loot and buying Weapons you will be going there regardless. And again for Hisano's letters to get past Rank 7. You Gain the Aforementioned Fountain Pen, Your Proof to Fuse for Mahakala.
As your other Social Link Shopkeeper, Tae Comes with a lot of Perks, Working as your Guinea Pig, increase your Guts stat each time, Increasing Social links will add Certain medicines of a certain Property, starting with the healing Rejuvenation, the Status removing Sterilisation, at 3, The Fortifying Immunization at 5, a Discount at Rank 7 and finally Resuscitation. Her key item in her dog tag, that lets you fuse for Alice.
After Leaving Shadaloo, Sagat and Ryu Spare whenever, Ken or Gouken is not Available.
Pharos is a form taken by the Main Antagonist, so of course he plays a huge part in this Story.
As mentioned Before, Hisano if you finish her Social Link adds her thoughts to Yu doing the Cinematic Last Turn against Izanami.
Tae is the other Shopkeeper who is the only other useful character to add her cheers During Joker's Cinematic Last Turn against Yaldabaoth. You can also Romance her too, in fact Despite, having reservations, Of the girls, Tae actively takes Joker's Virginity!
Sagat's life was irrevocably Changed when he met Ryu. His life went down a further down slide, after their first fight. And as Bison's Stalwart Bodyguard, Shadoloo may have not been the force for so many years. Once he left, they didn't really recover, leading to the death Of Bison, free from his guilt,Sagat seeks only legitimate fights for the good of his village. When Sagat and Ryu meet eachother they will complement how strong the other is.
Join me in November when we cover the next two cards, Temperance and The Devil.