Monday, June 24, 2024


 List of Champions- No CHANGES 

World's: Satoshi Kojima

Openweight :Bad dude Tito

Middleweight: Mistico

Tag COZYMAX: ( Satoshi Kojima and Okumura)

Featherweight: Janai Kai

Welcome to MLW Anniversary Results as we celebrate 22 years of MLW, And we open with the Co-Founder Jared Saint Laurent, but you all know him in Kayfabe as Monsieur Saint Laurent, legitimate Promotor of World Titan Federation. And her has a bone to pick with Paul Walter "Fat Extra From Karate Kid" Hauser, and Hooboy. if you thought an actor would have being better with rebuttals and promos-Remember-EXTRA! From the Phonescreen show from an app! Mercifully, it's over when Tom Lawlor attacks Houser for Eliminating him at Battle Riot, so now Tom Lawlor is going to have some more stink put on him! 

Opening Match: Adam Priest Vs "Bomb Shelter Boy" Bobby Fish. Decent Opener, this would be a match that you'd see on Nxt or Superstars for a new call up getting a contract. Atlanta loves Bobby Fish, I won't get into Politics, But I have learned to separate the art from the artist.

The Opera Cup is Back! Once a Holiday Spectacle in the turn of the last Century to replace Opera when the singers returned home to Europe for Christmas, The Hart Family revived the tournament in 2018. and now the first Qualifier is a former Final's Rematch! Bulldog Jr Vs Timothy Thatcher. And this match was as Good as it was back in Christmas 2018. Real Technical wrestling, A Clinic! Finish was Davey Boy hitting a Tiger Driver 91, and the crowd went insane with boos, They are Buying that AEW Storyline that being Hit a Tiger Driver is like being hit with a Mortal Kombat Fatality!

Second Title match, and Despite the obvious Outcome, this match was Surprisingly Competitive, Between Jake Crist and Selina Dela Renta's Openweight champion, Bad Dude Tito! Tito won with the Tequila Screwdriver after a distraction by Jesus and A run-in by Brett Ryan Goseleen!

In the Back, Dave Marquez interviews Matt Riddle around the Battle Riot Title Shot he won. No Means No Bro goes on a long-winded Weed induced Ramble until Dumi Calahan Attacks Riddle from Behind!

Opera Cup Qualifier 2 Akira Vs Ikuro Kwan

Akira is so over right now, besides It's Ikuro Kwan, Jobber to the Stars!

Middleweight championship Star Jr Vs Mistico-Just in case you were sick of all that Boring stuff like "Wrestling Holds" and "Psychology", when you can have Flippies and Dippies! The Former I've Seen Enough Cara Won with that Headscissors into a Crossface.

You want to feel Old? The Next match was a Women's 3-WAY With one of the competitors being Jimmy Yang's 21 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER! Jazzy Yang!-I started this blog when he was still on smackdown in 2009! I didn't realise he had an adult daughter! Jazzy is more Grounded that her Father who use to-USE TO SAYS-Still!-Flies off the rope, But she did Hit a Yang Time in this match.

But what of the match? It was a 3-WAY match. 

One Fall Match.

No eliminations.


It was Jazzy Yang making her debut alongside Dani Jordan, who is doing a mean Girl Gimmick in same company Zayda exists in, Vs Miyu from Stardom, You'd remember she was the 90 Pound Schoolgirl who put another's company's belt up in a title match back on Reload in January. But seemingly she's no longer the (DIES INSIDE!) Stardom Princess Among Princess Champion (How am I supposed to take you seriously?) But she still won this match

MLW Honours Booker Extraordinaire Gary Juster for his life time of Booking major Nwa, Wcw supercards and the first All-In! Please Google Gary Juster because I Could Go into his life and career myself, If His efforts and Accomplishments were not so Innumerable. Great Segment, well Deserved! 

Main Event time Bull-Rope Match between One called Manders and the leader of Contra, Mads Krule Kruger. Manders Jumped Mads with Revenge on his mind. Contra took out both Mander's tag Partner Matthew Justice and Their new Manager, Bill Alfonzo previously. This was a Modern Gimmick match again, as not only was a particular thing legal, everything else was Legal. Finally what seemed like Forever just whaling on each other, Janai Kai Hit the Ring to kick Manders who staggered into the Scorched Earth. Kruger won, but he ordered the Sendai Death Squad to Attack Manders. Justice came out to return the favour, but he was Intercepted Backstage by Kwan and Minoru Sazuki. It seems like It's only a matter of time Krule becomes world's champion!

And in the Last 2 Minutes Selina has a Father's Day Gift for Cesar Duran, he says that Father's Day was last week. SHE'S LATE!


And before you say the pregnancy is fake...

This photo was Taken 16 hours ago from Natalia Class (Selina Dela Renta's) X Account. Congratulations!

And that's it for this month!

Apart from Working on Reviews at home, I am Officially On Sabbatical from Monday due to Health Commitments! As Such I Will be missing out on Blood and Thunder, Money in the Bank and Summerslam. But I will return here For the MLW August special-Night of Beasts.

See you In a month's time!




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