Friday, April 15, 2011

Phoenix month:Wrestling Horses for Curses

the creature that pauperised many a punter in 2001 remains making no friends Down South.Once considered a revolutionary after T.Turner replaced Pizza Hut Pissant,the now grey creature saw his stock plummet in the Ratings Chase, where failing to wrangle rivals Young Talent and Big Egos seem to undermine his authority

A pretty chestnut haired filly that despite being champion has a lot to learn. she was a surprise entrant in the Royal rumble outing where she bested Bony Bitch, Fake Brit and Queen of Harts for the Garish Butterfly Trophy. "Yeah she's a pretty show-horse, but she's not worth the wild oats i put in her every night!" exclaimed Johnny Ace.

The ultimate "talking horse"'s monthly promises of a "BIG SOORPRISE!", only to fail to deliver irked many a fan. especially her outing at 10.10.10 had fans (or are they cast members?) tear up tickets (if they weren't free to begin with) the progeny of Idiot Heiress, out of Her Depth had many people asking "IZ DIS REAL?"
"She got involved with Random Thugs and Hardy Any Food Left. they then Destroyed Punchbag Serge in front of her, bruther! she easily gave Grapefruit Vinny another win, Dude!" recalls tipster Mr T. Bollea

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