With it being A World Cup Year, you would think Heartbeat International would introduce a Limited Edition...I don't know...Pavlova Magnum...Instead the Icecream review has passed the ball so Cadbury's, Walkers, Pringles or Doritos may score with their Limited Editions!
This year HB has went and copied what the German Value Supermarkets already made, rather than the other way round, With such RADICAL Ideas like
A Choc-Ice with Nuts (wow!)
A Calipo with 2 flavours! (GASP!)
OR an icecream....flavoured with....VANILLA! (YOU MANIACS!)
Actually I couldn't find the branded Vanilla Mini Milks, and much like you when i heard that Mini Milk of all icecreams, were getting a new flavour i was like...

So i had to settle for the Aldi branded Vanilla mini milk as a point of reference, it tastes like you'd expect, like Frozen Diluted Milk...with Vanilla!

Wrapper Colour: Purple with Hazelnut Motif
Calories: 1005
Taste; Seriously, Put this item against a Almond Magnum and you won't be able to tell the difference, but beyond the shell, that's where the differences end, Thick Praline Icecream underneath the chocolate and all the way through. I would have appreciated If the Praline was Rippled with Vanilla to alleviate the Heaviness and with it being a 1000 calories, you will feel Full after this!

Wrapper Colour: One side White, the Other side Pink, the word Calippo is Spread over a Pink Splash as Strawberries fly from all Directions As it's Marketed for Children, HB's mascot, Max the Lion, Appears, seemingly punching an Errant Strawberry out of his way!
Calories: 440
Taste: The Calippo. A Sadistic Design of Ice Block in a Fragile Paper Tube. Stainer of Shirts, Ruiner of Countless Days outs. An Argument waiting to Happen!
Popping the seal, A Bouquet of Synthetic Strawberry like a Red car Air Freshener wafts through. Putting a finger on the foodstuff, because it doesn't like ice, gives me a surprise: it's made of Sorbet now! the light flavours picks me up after the heavy Praline. Will still ruin your Shirt if you are not careful!
Follow me on Twitter @RealEnli
This year HB has went and copied what the German Value Supermarkets already made, rather than the other way round, With such RADICAL Ideas like
A Choc-Ice with Nuts (wow!)
A Calipo with 2 flavours! (GASP!)
OR an icecream....flavoured with....VANILLA! (YOU MANIACS!)
Actually I couldn't find the branded Vanilla Mini Milks, and much like you when i heard that Mini Milk of all icecreams, were getting a new flavour i was like...
So i had to settle for the Aldi branded Vanilla mini milk as a point of reference, it tastes like you'd expect, like Frozen Diluted Milk...with Vanilla!
Wrapper Colour: Purple with Hazelnut Motif
Calories: 1005
Taste; Seriously, Put this item against a Almond Magnum and you won't be able to tell the difference, but beyond the shell, that's where the differences end, Thick Praline Icecream underneath the chocolate and all the way through. I would have appreciated If the Praline was Rippled with Vanilla to alleviate the Heaviness and with it being a 1000 calories, you will feel Full after this!
Wrapper Colour: One side White, the Other side Pink, the word Calippo is Spread over a Pink Splash as Strawberries fly from all Directions As it's Marketed for Children, HB's mascot, Max the Lion, Appears, seemingly punching an Errant Strawberry out of his way!
Calories: 440
Taste: The Calippo. A Sadistic Design of Ice Block in a Fragile Paper Tube. Stainer of Shirts, Ruiner of Countless Days outs. An Argument waiting to Happen!
Popping the seal, A Bouquet of Synthetic Strawberry like a Red car Air Freshener wafts through. Putting a finger on the foodstuff, because it doesn't like ice, gives me a surprise: it's made of Sorbet now! the light flavours picks me up after the heavy Praline. Will still ruin your Shirt if you are not careful!
Follow me on Twitter @RealEnli
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