Hello and welcome to my new series of reviews, starting every Monday (or Tuesday after the bank holiday or Major PPV!) Of the new British Promotion International Pro Wrestling! This is the 3rd week of tapings, I didn't catch week 1, but last week convinced me to make this my new obsession.
If you want to watch the action yourself, If you are in the UK or Ireland, IPW is televised every Friday at 9pm GMT On Showcase, that's Sky Channel 192 or Freesat 161. If you are not in Britain, No Bothers! You can follow the action Via twitter @ipwuk and their youtube site, which will upload their latest episode at 10:30pm GMT On Friday Night!
With That Out of the way, lets Begin
As a new Company with wrestlers that are making their tv debuts, IPW has done the clever things of having a sit down interview Cold Opening to tell the story to a new audience. This week Rob Lynch, Formerly of the London Riots tells us his struggle to return after his shoulder injury, how he went from sleeping in bus shelters and The Underground to splitting with his fiance to pursue this as a career.
First Match, World of Sports "Superbad" Kip Sabian vs "The Super Contender" Curtis Chapman, I heard a lot of terrible ring-names in my Natural, But "Super Contender?" in a world full of egotiscial names like "The Best in the World" or "The king", Might as well call yourself "Have-A-Go Kid" or Some Shite! Nice Technical Back-and-forth, With Sabian Picking up the win with the Deathly Hallows, Part 1. After the match, Sabian gets on the mic to send a message to former friend Chris Ridgeway, who attacked him in Episode 1-"I'M COMING!"
We get a video Package of a Handicap match from Episode 1 between Lewis Huwley and "Sexsmith" (Sorry his first name was never mention nor was he on this show!) vs Sammie "Smooth" Stoker. Huwley and Stoker are a team that seemingly broke up, but Huwley was unsure about facing him. Turned out to be a long con, as Huwley turned on Sexsmith and Pretty Deadly are reunited.
Pretty Deadly, who as you may guess a pair of long haired Pretty Boys, Bet The Team of Camen and the OJMO, A popular team of young talent. It was a uphill battle since the match started with P.D. hitting their tag finish, the bad Apple early!
A second Sitdown interview with "Filthy Gorgeous" Rob Sharpe, a Man mountain with Pink Hair! And The number one contender for Mark Haskins' World Championship tonight in the main event, After beating "The Product" David Starr last week. He says that tonight you will see a more serious Rob Sharpe in the title match tonight!
Rob Lynch vs The Amercian "Lights! Camera!" Jaxson Stone. Lynch looks a Kevin Owens Stunt Double and Jaxson Stone looks like Seth Rollins in Joe Hendry's Jacket! If there was doubt that Lynch had nagging Injuries in his shoulders, this match silenced it! Lynch looks like OWENS AND WRESTLING LIKE HIM TOO, breaking out Flying clotheslines and Moonsaults, after a few escapes from Jaxson, Lynch finally capped it off with a Gutwrench Powerbomb.
1st of 2 title matches, a Royal Rumble if you will, against the "Poison Princess" Jayde vs "The Freaky Princess" Sierra Loxton. Can I please show you a conspiracy?

Despite an Ambush by Jayde, Loxton the Welsh Champion, used her Power Advantage with a chokeslam a Senton and finally the Move the won her the belt from Candi Floss, The Hip Attack!
5 minutes til the end of an one hour show, there was no way that they could fit a second title match in? And i was Right! Mark Haskins was a no show and David Starr attacked Rob Sharpe, World championship match is a NO CONTEST!
DAVID STARR MAY HAVE HELL TO PAY! WHAT HAPPENED TO HASKINS? All the fallout plus the tag team champions, the Anti-Fun Police put the title up against Johnny Storm's Team Storm, But which 2 of the 4 man group will try their luck? Join me next MONDAY TO FIND OUT!
Follow me on Twitter @RealEnli Tomorrow, Fight like a Girl, a retrospective of Women's Representation at Wrestlemania launches with part 1 of 4: the 80s!
Until Tomorrow!
If you want to watch the action yourself, If you are in the UK or Ireland, IPW is televised every Friday at 9pm GMT On Showcase, that's Sky Channel 192 or Freesat 161. If you are not in Britain, No Bothers! You can follow the action Via twitter @ipwuk and their youtube site, which will upload their latest episode at 10:30pm GMT On Friday Night!
With That Out of the way, lets Begin
As a new Company with wrestlers that are making their tv debuts, IPW has done the clever things of having a sit down interview Cold Opening to tell the story to a new audience. This week Rob Lynch, Formerly of the London Riots tells us his struggle to return after his shoulder injury, how he went from sleeping in bus shelters and The Underground to splitting with his fiance to pursue this as a career.
First Match, World of Sports "Superbad" Kip Sabian vs "The Super Contender" Curtis Chapman, I heard a lot of terrible ring-names in my Natural, But "Super Contender?" in a world full of egotiscial names like "The Best in the World" or "The king", Might as well call yourself "Have-A-Go Kid" or Some Shite! Nice Technical Back-and-forth, With Sabian Picking up the win with the Deathly Hallows, Part 1. After the match, Sabian gets on the mic to send a message to former friend Chris Ridgeway, who attacked him in Episode 1-"I'M COMING!"
We get a video Package of a Handicap match from Episode 1 between Lewis Huwley and "Sexsmith" (Sorry his first name was never mention nor was he on this show!) vs Sammie "Smooth" Stoker. Huwley and Stoker are a team that seemingly broke up, but Huwley was unsure about facing him. Turned out to be a long con, as Huwley turned on Sexsmith and Pretty Deadly are reunited.
Pretty Deadly, who as you may guess a pair of long haired Pretty Boys, Bet The Team of Camen and the OJMO, A popular team of young talent. It was a uphill battle since the match started with P.D. hitting their tag finish, the bad Apple early!
A second Sitdown interview with "Filthy Gorgeous" Rob Sharpe, a Man mountain with Pink Hair! And The number one contender for Mark Haskins' World Championship tonight in the main event, After beating "The Product" David Starr last week. He says that tonight you will see a more serious Rob Sharpe in the title match tonight!
Rob Lynch vs The Amercian "Lights! Camera!" Jaxson Stone. Lynch looks a Kevin Owens Stunt Double and Jaxson Stone looks like Seth Rollins in Joe Hendry's Jacket! If there was doubt that Lynch had nagging Injuries in his shoulders, this match silenced it! Lynch looks like OWENS AND WRESTLING LIKE HIM TOO, breaking out Flying clotheslines and Moonsaults, after a few escapes from Jaxson, Lynch finally capped it off with a Gutwrench Powerbomb.
1st of 2 title matches, a Royal Rumble if you will, against the "Poison Princess" Jayde vs "The Freaky Princess" Sierra Loxton. Can I please show you a conspiracy?
Despite an Ambush by Jayde, Loxton the Welsh Champion, used her Power Advantage with a chokeslam a Senton and finally the Move the won her the belt from Candi Floss, The Hip Attack!
5 minutes til the end of an one hour show, there was no way that they could fit a second title match in? And i was Right! Mark Haskins was a no show and David Starr attacked Rob Sharpe, World championship match is a NO CONTEST!
DAVID STARR MAY HAVE HELL TO PAY! WHAT HAPPENED TO HASKINS? All the fallout plus the tag team champions, the Anti-Fun Police put the title up against Johnny Storm's Team Storm, But which 2 of the 4 man group will try their luck? Join me next MONDAY TO FIND OUT!
Follow me on Twitter @RealEnli Tomorrow, Fight like a Girl, a retrospective of Women's Representation at Wrestlemania launches with part 1 of 4: the 80s!
Until Tomorrow!
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