The Attendant-Elizabeth
The Big Brother-Yu Nurakami
The Joker-Ren Amamiya
The World Warrior-Ryu
Four of Video games most powerful Entities.
Directly or Indirectly saving the Worlds they reside in.
Saving Humanity in Secret.
Despite some having a lack of social Grace,
And making bad Choices out of their ego
They Push through the dark in their hearts
And come out even Stronger!
And So we Come to the End of the Fools Journey. From Childhood to his death, The Fool Turned Hermit lived a live of Commerce to provide for loved ones, through Determination and Strength under the laws of God and Man, the Fool aged into A hermit and began to become Introspective of his life, Contemplating the forces of Nature he did not understand Luck, and Cruelty and Death, through Sacrifice and Moderation and Wishes, he Found the Hope he need to make his peace and now after Judgement his Soul is Judged to be Pure
And This is the Result!
The World is the 22nd and final Card of the Major Arcana, Designated 21 and Ruled by Saturn.
A Soul (That of the Fool) is Wrapped in a scarf, Dancing in the sky or sometimes a Void, One with Cosmos. in Each corner is a Symbol of a Zodiac Sign: A man for Aquarius, An Eagle (which is the alternative symbol for Scorpio) A Bull for Taurus and A lion for Leo. It also represents the Four Elements as each Zodiac Sign reps each one, as well as the Four Gospels
The Dancer looks female, but it is indeed the Soul of Fool as the Soul, no longer Bound to it's body has Joined with the World and the powers cosmic can be anything it wants and with the four elements represented, the Soul choose to reconcile with all Opposites, even within itself.
This Card Being the the last Major card means Resolution. The reward for hard work, A triumph against Hardship. The end of one cycle of your life story and the beginning of Something new. Reversed it means Success out of reach, Insecurity and the Attachment of Ego, A lack of Vision or inability to see the Bigger Picture. A selfish Need to succeed over Others.
In the Context of the Card's meaning as a single person, The Inquirer (You) is the World.
Lets Step One more time Into the Velvet Room.
And In the Third Time Igor Intervened into Human Affairs, And the First as Master after the rebellion against his Former Master Philemon for letting Hitler Escape Hell in Persona 2.
For His first Intervention, the Long Nosed Man would be Aided by The First of 6 Attendants.
The Bewitching and Captivating Elizabeth.
Technically Speaking, Elizabeth is Not a Social link. She, like her Sisters, Margaret and the Twins is your Fetch Quest if you do all her Requests before the 30th Of April she give you the the Request "I wish to See Paulownia Hall."
Seeing the World Beyond Her Room, Excites the otherworldly Girl. She makes a big Impression on those who see her for the first time!
She Throws 2000 yen into the Fountain, Dances the Macarena in Public lamenting the closure of the Nightclub during the day and not Being able to participate in "The Lavish Spectacle!".
This is not the last time She goes to Earth, provided you do her requests. This sees her Being amazed by such Wonders as Escalators, Eating at all the restaurants in one evening, Getting Trapped in the Jungle Gym and Joining every School Club in the space of five minutes.
However there is one place that Elizabeth wanted to see and that place was Minato's Bedroom.
Elizabeth Archly Says to Minato he was bringing her to places that meant something to him, so she could know him better and now here we are , being Seduced into his bedroom.
But This was her plan all the long, If Existence was to fade away after the 31st of January, Her Guest will die A Virgin, and so will she.
But After the Deed, Elizabeth Says her Time on Earth was Fun, but she feels a relationship will make her neglect her Duties if she stays on earth. And if she stays with you, In the Aftermath of the Final Battle, Elizabeth is as Distraught as Aigis as she Tries Furiously to find a way to remove Minato From the Seal,
Which if all of the Persona Q Games are to be believed, Can happen but it usually ends in Metaphysical version of The Timey Wimey Ball.
Elizabeth is a Subversion of the World Card. While the World is the Soul who attained Cosmic Understanding from experience during and after life. Elizabeth Hasn't had that (It's Implied Elizabeth is some kind of Non-Human) Sure She's Not Completely Stupid, Having a Knowledge of Legends and piano, know doubt learning from The others when the Velvet Room was a jazz club. And waxes Philosophical about safety Signs. So She is on her own little Journey to appear more Human, A Story done better With Aigis.
She is The Triumph Aspect-as her Final Official Request is to Defeat her in battle....Right after you had Sex with her!
Dahm Minato, No wonder Nyx escaped, If the door's "Wood" was that Soft! No Wonder she whooping your ass after the deed!
Anyway Elizabeth like her Sisters is a Tough-as-Hell Boss fight, once again she uses the Personas Your Stupid Ass gave her, But it is Optional. and you can argue that her Strength comes from her newly acquired Knowledge.
Elizabeth gets a point.
Final Battle Yu Nurakami
In our last episode, the Heroes tracked Down in The Ruined Inaba in the TV World, Detective Adachi the Mastermind over the Murders Revealed he had his own Persona-The Evil Version of Yu's Persona Izunagi, Magatsu Izunagi. After Defeating him, Akechi had an Awakening, his Shadow enveloped his being, and before the man and Persona became truly one.
This Being, Ameno-Sagiri spoke through the Former Adachi. Ameno-Sagiri, The Eternal Watcher views Humanity and seeing the Sensation of Television, that Humanity uses to Ignore Reality in a Fantasy, Must be what Humanity Truly wants, Not what Just Adachi wants which is to live without Shame, Shadows- Creatures made of base desires, had no such worries so when the Fog of this world pours into Inaba all those in town will become shadows, if those who turned before them didn't kill them by then!
When Adachi's Body Ballooned to Accommodate the giant eye, The Second False God the Team faced, didn't understand why the Children won't except this "Gift" of Unity he had bestowed. Eventually, the Eternal Watcher Yields. He sees the truth by these "Children of The New Potential" and so he reverses the Fog back into the TV world, and all the sicknesses and Apathy which were turning the Populous. After all, Humanity's Wishes are his own, and with a close of his Eyelid, Ameno-Sagiri Reverts back into Adachi, though the Heroes don't know if both were evil or who was Possessing who for their end!
And even though the Fog Returns to the TV world, the Battle is far from over! Not when the Person who Spread the Rumour of the midnight channel in the first place could just start over. So that person needed to be found. But who could it be? It had to someone that everyone in town has meet, someone who talks to everyone, but is not known by name, someone who can tell people anything, but could never be directly quoted.
The unlikely of Masterminds.
The Gas Attendant that Yu and Adachi shook hands with.
The Handshake was how both can traverse The Cognitive world.
But this is Not Some Pump-monkey who wishes death because she was Short changed by motorists.
This was A fallen God
True Form |
The Queen of the Underworld, Izanagi's Sister/Lover Izanami
To Parallel the Japanese Creation Myths, Izanami Ventured to the underworld to seal away his Sister, and Izanami, much like Ameno-Sagiri,wants to seal the World in a Fantasy in Fog, turning Humanity into Monsters.
Despite Holding there own, and with Help from a Stone Igor gave You from the Beginning that Gradually Filled with Magic, Not only did they hold their own, they would have finished her, If not for a Dirty Tactic, Thousand Curses, A move that would have Dragged Yu to hell if only his friends didn't sacrifice themselves one by one.
It was only a matter of time before Yu was Flung into the Abyss also.
That's when the Voices of Everyone he had met on the Journey to this point reached out to him. The very last voice that's reached him was Nanako's Pleading with her "Big Bro" not to leave her behind. That's when he got his own Second Awakening and Izanagi's became Izanagi-No-Kami and Learned A new power, Myriad Truth, an Infinite number of slashes, one for every truth Humanity Holds Dear.
I had said previously that because of Yu's Inherit Charm and Abilities that are known not Honed in gameplay made him a terrible Fool Representative, These Skills Have made him a Perfect World Rep.
Through Commerce, Love, Pain and Death, The Teenager has Come of Age and Faced Judgement from Beyond, And Rising from Purgatory, to have his Persona Become The World Arcana, Finding the Resolve Given by all those he had Meet, and touched the hearts of along the way! Yu gets a point.
Ren "Joker" Amamiya
We Wear The Masks People expect us to Wear,
We answer to the Names they call us, and not our own.
But what if we didn't have to?
The Master Of the Velvet Room, Igor Made a Wager with the newest threat to Humanity, The False God of Control Yaldaboath. The Wager a Simple Question.
If Humanity was Given the Chance to Change Society, Would they?
So, Each Otherworldy Being would pick a Human each. Igor Would Grant that Human his Champion for Change, the Power of Persona and the power to Go to The Cognitive World to Change Hearts and Minds, Via a Smartphone App. To make it Fair, Igor Also Granted the Same Powers to Yaldaboath's Champion of Stagnation, Goro Akechi.
However, Yaldaboath was Never Going to play fair.
Pandora. H**ler. Nyx. Izanami.
All the False Gods before Him-All Failed because of one Factor-The Velvet Room.
So Yaldaboath had a Daring Plan. He Sealed Igor Inside the Holy Grail, Cast it to Earth under Shibuya Subway Station, Build a Fortress around it called Mementos, Threw Igor's Attendant into a Guillotine to make two new servants with her Memories of what she saw removed, (But Lavenza turned her Memories into a Butterfly to Guide Ren in Secret...Yeah, don't think about it too much!) and Turn his Body into a Copy of Igor, With Ren None the Wiser when they finally meet!
So who was Ren before he was Joker?
Ren was just your Ordinary 16 year old Japanese Boy living in a Rural Town. Until One Night Everything would change Forever.
On a night out, Ren would Break up a Sexual Assault by Attacking the Man involved.
But Instead of Heralded as a Hero, and Praised for a Job Well Done, The Assailant, Councilman Masayoshi Shido, A Forerunner in the Coming Election for Prime Minister, Paid off the Woman to say that Ren Attacked Shido in a Unprovoked Attack. So Until the Day in Court comes up, Ren was Shipped To Shibuya District of Tokyo under the Guardianship of a Family Friend. And Enrolled in what be revealed to be the Worse School in Japan, Shujin Acadamy!
Ironic fact: Shujin means Prisoner in Japanese!
Even in his Dreams Joker couldn't escape the Stigma of being a Criminal. As he woke in a world unfamiliar in a Jail Cell, Accosted by 2 childlike Jailers and Sitting a Desk in a suit, his Warden in charge of his "Rehabilitation"- A man with a long Nose "Igor"
"Igor" Explained that he was here to help Ren regain his Life and get him his Justice that Society has denied him, by "rigging the game", To do so, Igor and the twins will Supply their Inmate with Extraordinary Power by Wielding Creatures from Legend and Literature called Persona, with Ren Giving the role of Wildcard to manifest many creatures at once , But to do so Ren had to wake up!
On the first day of school, Joker Struggled to get to train at the Packed Station, Checking his Phone, he saw an app that he Didn't Recognize. Attempts to Delete it off his phone Did Nothing.
Tapping the App, Joker looked up from his device to see all around Moving Slower until they Froze in Time. When Time Restored Itself, Joker was in the Middle of a Heavy Rainfall. It was then he would meet the 3 people who would decide how to use this new power he had yet to Grasp. Ann Takamaki A Japanese American Part Time Model, Ryuji Sakamoto, a Former track star and Mr Shiguru Kamoshida, The P.E. teacher and Former Volleyball Olympic Gold medalist.
Kamoshida's Cult of Personality and Coaching Prowess made the Struggling Academy stay Afloat Financially. And as such the Teacher was Practically Allowed to do Anything he wanted. Ryuji made one small comment about the teacher being "King of the Castle" only for the App, The Navi to activate, Sending Ren and Ryuji to a World under a blood Red Sky, Where Shujin Academy once stood It had transformed into a garish castle
This was a "Palace", A Warped Sense of Self- This was Kamoshida's Psyche as Inside his true feelings was laid bare, his Cruelty to his Teams, His Lust for Female students and his Obsession with Ann.
"King" Kamoshida Ordered his Knights to Take the Two Prisoners. In the Bowel of the Castle, they would meet a Catlike Being named Morgana. Despite claiming to be a Human, the Amnesiac creature did hold knowledge of this world. So the 3 busted out.
Joker would save Ryuji, Even after Ryuji Denied his friendship. A Voice Inside Joker, would Compel him to face Kamoshida.
The Voice Inside Ren Manifested a Mask onto his Face, With a Scream and a Streak of Blood, Blue Flames turned Joker's Clothes into Clothes worthy of someone put in the role of a Phantom Thief. Standing behind him, the Mask transfigured into an Incorporeal Form.
A Persona, But this time around, the Personas Bound to Humans were not Greek Gods or Japanese Creation Myths. To keep in the Theme of Societal Change, Our heroes are Bound to Rebels from Literature. Case in point, Ren's New Friend is Arsene named after LeBlanc's Arsene Lupin the Phantom Thief. Morgana would Reveal his Persona, Zorro.
Returning to the Real world, and seeing Morgana turn into a Real Cat. (Which he Denies is his true Form) Morgana Explained their new Purpose- As Thieves, they can Steal Treasure, A Symbol of their warped Desires that acts as the power source of the palace, Steal that the Target's World view will change and the Palace would cease to exist.
However Ren Tried to Reason with Kamoshida, Roping in The Teacher's Constant Punching Bag, Yuki Mishima. Instead Kamoshida Calmly said every Student in the Room will be expelled in the Two weeks he Needs to File the Paperwork.
In the Next Adventure, Ryuji Awakened to his power, Summoning Captain Kidd. Feeling Besmirched in the Real World, Kamoshida would do Something so Disgusting to Keep his Dominance over the Student Body, After Ann Innocently Turned Down Kamoshida, He Would Rape Ann's Best Friend Shiho causing her to Attempt to Commit Suicide.
Following the 2 Boys and a Cat into a Strange Void, Ann was Captured by Knights who thought she was the Cognitive Ann. Upon seeing what Kamoshida thought of her, and hearing him Brag over Raping "Whatshername", it caused Ann to Meet her Persona, Carmen.
With A Full team, Morgana Told them how to change a Person's Heart. By Planting a Calling Card with their intent on the school Bulletin board. This would cause the Target's Ego to Get Angry and Defensive enough to Forego traps and monsters to Fight Themselves.
Soon the Heroes find the Treasure, But Kamoshida had recreated Cognitive Ann to act as a Warning System. Trapped, The King and it's Cognitive Slave merged into a Monstrous Form, Putting the Treasure, A crown, on his head. The Phantom Thieves Ran Through Kamoshida, By Destroying the Healing Chalice Cognitive Ann was Turned into and an Ambush to steal the crown off his head. With Kamoshida Defeated he still Denies he did anything wrong -WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY!-where the elite makes the Rules, But the palace starts to crumble as the heroes barely make it out alive....or Awake?
The Next day, Kamoshida interrupts Assembly and Confesses his Crimes, calling it a "Rebirth". The heroes can't believe it worked, But in Joker's Pocket is the Treasure as it exists in this world - Kamoshida's Gold medal. So the Heroes celebrate by pawning it and using it to hit the Buffet.
Spirits are high and the others give Joker a job well done, but when the Boys need to use the restroom, An entourage pushes Ryuji around so when Ryuji pushes and Knocks a Bodyguard , it's the man being protected who gets Hurt. Staggered, the man yells "Dumb Brat, I'll Sue!" Joker heard that Voice say that Phrase before. The Night of the Attack.
Masayoshi Shido was here in Shibuya.
Weeks pass without Incident-That is one day a Socially Awkward Thin and Plain young man reached Out and touched her shoulder all the time this boy was watched in a Fancy Car by a Laughing Man in a Worn tattered Kimono.
The Odd Young Man was named Yusuke Kitagawa and he was The Apprentice to the man in the car, Ichiyusa Madarame, A Famous Master of Arts, Though Madarame had Dabbled in all forms, he is famous for one piece alone, the Sayuri-An Enigmatic Painting of a woman looking Down at Nothing, the Mysterious Context and it's many Thefts had made the Painting very Valuable, However despite its Notoriety Madarame will put in next Public Display and not in a Museum Permanently.
However Yusuke is here because he wanted to find a muse, and he found it in Ann. And with a Women this Beautiful his NUDE PAINTING WOULD BE THE GREATEST. Ann flatly refused, But Madarame found out Ann is a Professional Model and will go through proper channels to hire her. Yusuke leaves saying he needs to oversee Madarame Great work the Sayuri on Display in A Museum. Those Words triggered the Navi App.
Madarame had a Palace in the Cognitive world.
Investigating Madarame was Tough, instead of Kamoshida who was Cruel in plain sight. Yusuke, an Orphan, had only good words to say about his Mentor. So there must be another way . And it comes from an unlikely source. Mishima created a Phansite and he was Swamped with posts about Varying levels of assholes. Morgana's sense for Treasure revealed a Secret Palace under the Subway. The Palace Built by the desires of the Masses, Mementos.
Deeper than any palace, the True Heart would not readily reveal itself so easily.
But for now, the few sub-bosses fight in Mementos, they claim the crux of their anger is bring ripped off by Madarame.
With Some Proof The Thieves can investigate Madarame's Palace, The Museum of Vanity. A Maze like Gallery Greeted the Phantom Thieves. They Found Portraits of his Apprentices with Yusuke's Being a Large One for the talent he has, But other Assistants had Smaller pictures and some like the souls they found on Mementos, were blackened out.
So that is how Madarame Viewed his Students. Those he could make Money from he lauded whilst those he didn't he Blackened from Memory.
They Found an Ornate Golden Door, which Joker Recognized when they went to Speak to Yusuke in Madarame's Home Studio. Joker tried looking for a key, But Morgana stopped him, stating the Door is Cognitively Locked. Madarame puts too much stock on his Privacy not Approached on, that only having the doors Opened in the real World will break the seal.
Which meant Poor Ann had to Accept Yusuke's Request to paint her nude leading to one of the funniest scenes to make sure It didn't Happen!
But under the False pretence of Getting in the mood, whilst Morgana used his claws to unlock the Door Madarame returned to his Private Quarters open. And inside On a Easel each was a Sayuri each.
In the Cognition At this time, Joker and Skull were waiting for the Door to unlock and out if it came Cognitive Madarame. The Man who refuses Wealth for Art's Purity was a Sham. The Worn Kimono was now replaced by A Gilded one, Geisha makeup smeared over his Jaws.
Madarame was revealed to be a Sham, A Womaniser, and a Fraud!
Ann and Morgana were sent to the Cognitive world, But (and this would become a recurring thing!) Yusuke was caught up in Transport
In the Treasure Room, the Treasure Madarame was Hiding was the REAL Sayuri- Which he altered years ago and was Forging to sell and have it Stolen in Fake Robberies to Inflate it's Value. Sayuri's Mysterious face was revealed. It was a self Portrait by Yusuke's Mother's who was Dying of Terminal Illness, holding her Infant Son in her arms. A Woman who would die soon after. Disgusted, Yusuke Persona Goemon Awakened, freezing all the Shadows around him.
Despite Madarame's Face Contorted into 4 pictures. Yusuke's Katana and Ice Powers made quick work of his now Disgraced Former Master. Like Kamoshida, Madarame blamed SOCIETY, But he also claimed a Black Mask was killing people via Mental Breakdowns. In the real world Yusuke would inherit his birthright but would Bequeath it to Sojiro Sakura, who keeps it in his Cafe!
Soon it wasn't long til "The Black Mask" Would Target someone Close to home, Principal Kobayashikawa was killed Via Mental Shutdowns which caused a Car Pileup. That's when we Learned how Horrible this School was, You see the Principal was also Running for Diet and as Such needed cash to do run for Candidacy and as Such Forced Student Council President Makoto Nijima to Notorize a Loan from the Yazuka. With Kobayashikawa Dead. The Yakuza Expected her to cough up!
In a bind, Makoto, Out of Desperation Bugged Ryuji's phone and Blackmailed Ren into helping her as the Joker. But there was one problem: Makoto did not know the Gangster's Name, But During A Field Trip/ Cheap Labour Drive at a TV Studio, they Met a Reporter who showed them a few Photos of Gangsters she was investigating. They also meet the Young Detective Goro Akechi, who reveals on a chat show he's now tasked in arresting the Phantom Thieves-Despite the Good they have done.
Knowing who Kaneshiro was in Real Life, they confront him in a night club to cancel the debt. Instead their photos are taken and the Amount of Debt, a Million is expected in a Month!
So Learning Kaneshiro's Name, All they needed was other words to feed into the Navi App. With Makoto's help they used the word Vault, But that's when another stroke of luck happened as Yusuke Surmised that they will have to search all of Shibuya For a Vault,
But that's when the App activated, and Transformed All of Shibuya into A Palace and all its people into ATMs ready to be cashed out thankfully Makoto was not transformed given any new victims where seen as "Customers" and as such, she was Used to get to the Vault of Greed, which was a UFO, representing his Fugitive Tendancies.
Despite his Slavishness that made him a Human Fly in the Cognitive world, Kaneshiro was no fool and his traps and Security were a challenge. But his Ego was his Downfall, and after insulting Makoto. She had Awakened to her Persona, Johanna. With her Strategic Planning And Akido Training. Kaneshiro was defeated and his treasure seized a Briefcase with 1 Million inside it.... of playmoney, but the briefcase dipped in Gold, could be pawned for a pretty penny! Kaneshiro was Arrested much to the Shock of the police. But he wanted protection from the "Black Mask"!
For weeks Sojiro had being more Curt with Ren than usual, Closing the Cafe Early and at the same time, The Phantom Thieves were Threatened with Exposure by the Leader of the Terrorist Cell Medjed: A Hacker Named Ali Baba.
If you thought these two things were not related, it's a Japanese Game, Of course they are related!
Futaba, Sojiro's Adoptive Daughter had Bugged the Cafe and saw that Joker's Navi App was not only Technology she had not seen before, but it was an app that allowed Travel to the Cognitive World.
After Breaking Into the Sakura Residence, Both Parties came clean with each other. You see, Sojiro was more than just your Average Coffee shop owner. Years Ago Sojiro was A Research Fellow With a Woman Called Wakaba, Futuba's Mother Researching Cognitive Studies. When Futaba was Young, she saw her Mother Killed, ran over by a Car. Futuba who had thrown a tantrum about eating out, Blamed Herself for her Mother's Death, Not knowing that her Mother was Targeted for Murder over her research and it was made to look like an accident.
Believing she was Responsible, Futaba became a Shut-in, Approximating any money she needs by Cybercrime and Suffering from Auditory hallucinations of her Mother and family telling her to kill herself. She has Contacted the Phantom Thieves to Uncover the lies in her mind! So she has a Palace one fitting a Shut-in slowly Dying. An Airconditioned Pyramid-The Tomb of Sloth.
While Inside the Mind they where Guided By A Cognitive Futaba, to Uncover the True Memories of what Happened, However her Mind Fought back and It Created a Sphinx out of a Cognitive Wakaba who wished Death on her daughter. Panicking Futuba picked up Ren's phone, and was transported to the Palace. There her Shadow self Confronted her about her memories and Futaba Remembers her Mother as loving but overworked Parent, not this....THING! It was then the Shadow Futaba transformed into a Persona, An UFO Called Necronomicon. A Support Persona who could "Hack" Cognition. Acting as Intel, and Manifesting a Ballista to even the odds of Wakada's Air Superiority. Futaba would become the Asset the Team could rely on, and for her, the friends she finally deserved to have.
But While they were riding high. Goro Akechi found a Calling card on the Body of Principal Kobayashikawa.
Once the Calling card was made public, Morgana felt Betrayed and Neglected and as such ran away.
Feeling Sorry for himself, the "Not a Cat" came to the rescue of a young Woman, Being Beaten by a Man in a White Suit. Morgan got hurt but at least the man, Sugahara stopped beating his fiance, when the girl, Haru Okamura, who just happened to be a classmate of everyone else , tended to Morgana's wounds she found out that she could hear Morgana, which meant she had a Persona.
Meanwhile the Phantom Thieves had a new Mission-Haru's Father, the CEO of Fast Food Chain, Big Bang Burger, over complaints of mistreating their workers, what was Probably thought to be a simple suggestion of a Dental plan would change the fortunes of the heroes forever.
When entering the palace nothing seemed out of place, the Restaurant's Sci Fi theming and workers turned into disposable robots tracked with want was said. But then Morgana revealed himself and his new protégé Beauty Thief Haru wearing a black mask. Could this sweet Girl actually be a psychopath?
Well...yes! But not a killer!
Morgana explained that Haru did have a persona but it's not awakened yet. The Phantom Thieves reconciled and soon found out there were more even things afoot in the burger bar than foot lettuce. Mr Okamura had sold Haru into Marriage to Sugahara. This caused the Dutiful Daughter to awakening to her a persona, the Spy to Cardinals, M'Lady! With Sugahara's Shadow turning into a Robot, the Phantom Thieves and Haru, now renamed Noir, they gave the Man a well deserved beating.
But they where not there for Sugahara's heart but Haru's Father. Beating the Space overlord in a timed Battle, before the engagement was announced Publicly and the Sale Finalised.
The treasure in the real World was a Sad one. A unopened box of a toy spaceship.
Her Father grew up poor, so couldn't afford the toy as a child, and at a young age worked in food industry Jobs, only for the Toy to be sold out. It was years later, he could but the toy but he was now a man, filled with Bitterness and Arrested Development.
So Haru asked her father, Why? Why do what he did? Well once again it was all the doing of Masayoshi Shido, Who Okamura was Running against In the Election . But the Demands of money was too much so costs had to be cut, but there is more, The Black mask works for Shido. In fact he threatened Okumura in Real Life! And feeling ashamed Okamura will Address the Black Mask as Haru and her new friends celebrated in Disn..... DESTINYLAND. However Okamura would die on Air and his Public Execution would be blamed on the Phantom Thieves!
The Meteoric Rise of the Phantom Thieves, Soon came to a Crushing Fall. With 2 Murders Attributed to them, the Heroes were starting to become pariahs in the eyes of the public. Warrants for their arrests were issued and to press the knife even further, Akechi and Sae were told to put all other cases on hold. Nothing Short of Hiatus would stop Sae in her twisted Ambition to keep a perfect Record. Something which Gained Sae A palace of her own after it was revealed Sae used Planted Evidence to win. As such Sae's Palace saw the Courthouse as a Casino, Justice as a Spectator Sport, and herself as the Pit boss, she made sure the house always wins. However there was a Unlikely Ally, Akechi. Though he did try and enter the group via blackmail, there was something he wanted to show them-He had a Second Navi App on his Phone. Feigning Worry for his Superior, Akechi Joins them in the sixth Palace as the Final Phantom Thief, Crow.
However, Akechi was not the only one playing a game, In fact, because of Him letting it known accidentally that he heard Morgana talk about pancakes, doomed him from the Start. The only reason Akechi wanted Sae out of the way because she was investigating Shido. With the Investigations Dropped, Shido could Run for Prime Minister Unopposed. There was one part of the plan left, Convince Sae after allowing himself to get arrested. That's when she left the room long enough for Akechi to kill his Rival. That's when he realised his mistake when he saw A Casino where a Courthouse should be!
Akechi Never left the Cognitive World.
He just killed a Cognition of Ren.
So Imagine Shido's rage against when his Calling card was broadcast on every screen in Tokyo and Standing, with the others Joker Coming for his Revenge.
It was a long time Coming But Shido Unlike the others was not Afraid of the Reprisal that were Due to him.
Recording Every word in his Canvassing Speech the Navi App picked up on the Naval and Maritime words and Phrases used.
And it sent the Heroes to a representation of Shido's Views.
A Luxury Liner for Japanese Elite Sailing through a Flooded Ghetto, Leaving the 99% to Drown in Poverty.
To Not Arouse Suspicion, The Phantom Thieves have to steal, Convince or Beat out, 5 Letters of Recommendation from Shido's Five Financial Backers, Aptly named The Conspiracy, which act like key cards to access the area the next one resides. Starting in the restaurant, Councilman Ooe reveals profiteering from Mental Shutdowns, as did the Disgraced Nobleman at the Swimming pool (Which could only be passed by the Thieves putting on their swimsuits to get in, AND TOTALLY NOT A FANSERVICE!) Which Ann Received by Pretending to be "Bri'ish" Royalty Ann Windsor.
Next the Entertainment hall is the TV Station owner boasted he was the one Was the one who was the Middleman for Kaneshiro. In the side deck the IT Manager who posed as Medjed, who years ago ordered Wakaba's Murder was next and finally a Yakuza "Cleaner' Gave chase til his letter was taking off him, but the Engine Room was a trap as out came Goro Akechi.
Akechi Revealed why he killed all those people. The Sad truth was Akechi was more in common with Ren than he thought. Shido Ruined his life too!
Goro revealed that Shido was his father, who Abandoned his mother when she revealed her pregnancy, who died when he was a baby, He would spend The next 16 years moving from home to home while his father did nothing, only becoming useful in his eyes when he revealed the Power to him, and he was this close in fulfilling the Final phase of his plan. Killing his father and telling him his real identity- HIS BASTARD!
His anger caused Akechi Form to transform into his true self- The Black mask, he also revealed his soul is bound to nor one, but two Personas, The Heroic Lie of Robin Hood and his true Self- The Trickster, Loki!
Despite His power to Bolster other shadows, Akechi lost only to lose his life by what his father sent- a Cognitive Akechi to kill the real one. Shido always knew who Akechi was, and now he outlived his purpose, he would reveal the Black Mask identity after his death and plead ignorance. Akechi shot at Joker, but he was actually aimed for a button behind him to close a Bulkhead to Separate the heroes from the Akechis who shot at and killed the other. Giving Themselves a moment to grieve their comrade.
With all 5 keycards, the Phantom Thieves could enter to the Main Deck. Where the Captain's Keep is the Diet Building, As out comes Shido as a Mighty Shogun to Applause from the Rafters by The Senate. There the Treasure is his Legislator's Pin which was already Steering Wheel Shaped Now Grown to Serve that Purpose.
Shido would Not Fall as Easy as the Others as while the others had exploitable Weakness, the only way to beat Shido was to Straight up fight him. But Shido kept Changing his Form to fit his needs, discarding his armour To reveal he's grown to Senator Armstrong Proportions, and by changing the form of his steed, The Wings, Beast and Tomb of Human Sacrifice, Statues created from the Gilded Corpses of the unwashed Masses.
When Shido was defeated, The Councilman would not Concede, as the real Shido would take a Medicine to Suspend his animation, thus Freezing all inside his mind and therefore killing the Phantom Thieves. However they did Escape with the treasure, And Despite the Change of heart , the Government wastes no time in covering up Shido's crimes. On Christmas Day they still plan on naming Shido the Prime Minister Elect.
There is only one Course of action-To changes the hearts of Everyone and Finally Uncover what lies in the depths of Mementos.
With Japan In Turmoil, The Heroes have 1 last mystery to Solve: What Lies at the Heart of Mementos. And what are causing the Terrifying Cries Echoing in the Wind.
The Truth was not what they Expected

In Cells where Kamoshida, Madarame, Kaneshiro and Shido, was well as the Cognitions of those they fought on Mementos. The Cells were Surrounding a treasure of everyone's Hopes and Dreams, The Holy Grail. But in Uncovering the Holy Grail, "Igor" won the Bet, And revealed himself as Yaldaboath, the False Of Control finding himself a Suitable body the Holy Grail transformed into a Giant Robotic Mockery of Human Beliefs. Yaldaboath revealed he did not have one champion but TWO! He needed to play both sides to get what he wanted, Total Dominion over The Mind's of the Human race. And he revealed how: by Stealing Hearts, The Phantom Thieves Inadvertently Stole the Targets Free Will, meaning anyone strong enough to oppose Yaldaboath were already dealt with. He also created Morgana from one of his Shadows to make sure his plan under the False pretence of finding a Cure for the cat would lead them to this point. That's when Cognitions of the People above entered the Prison, ignoring all around them as they walked knocking over the Heroes as they lost their Powers and Personas. Ryuji tried to punch Yaldaboath but inches from contact, his arm erupted into a burst of blood and ash! Ryuji's body was painfully erased from existence, with the others following suit, each exclaiming how they lost hope before dying. This would have being the end, if not for a blue Butterfly!

With Shido's Change of heart, he Concedes his Claim despite no other party Daring to Present a Substitute. That's when Yaldaboath Ascended from the Underground with Tree Roots sprouting over the city. And Commanding a Legion of Angel Shadows. The False God Claimed Humanity did not Except the leader he had Chosen for them so now he will Govern all those here, For he Holds all the Hopes and Desires of all humanity inside him.
Meanwhile, Joker had being taking prisoner, not by Yaldaboath, but waking up in the Velvet Room. Where the Twins were pissed off at Ren,Their master was A fake, there were other humans in the Velvet room and to top it all off, the World had gone to Fuck!
Joker however had the fix-The Logical of Conclusions.
Kill the two Children with a Guillotine!
Somehow this works, as just like the Guillotine fuses Personas, Caroline And Justine are Reformatted into Lavenza, who despite her Gratitude still fears her Guest, As evidenced by any second Awakenings by the others, Yaldaboath's Influence through Joker's Bonds, their souls were now bonded to Legendary Trickster God's, So Joker is the Trickster and as Such Yaldaboath speaking though the Igor illusion, offers his champion one last deal: Surrender and live in this world as the one human with Free Will and live like a god with Nary A Consequence.
Of course the right answer is to tell God to take it and shove it!
As Mentioned Igor was Sealed inside the Holy Grail but was saved by Lavenza's Magic. Then Joker had to make each of the Phantom Thieves stuck in their own cells to pull themselves together.
With Igor, Now in his rightful place he puts the heroes back in Shibuya. In a World where Humanity is Blind to the Horrors Around them, and Only by climbing the roots will the Phantom Thieves face the god of control.
However Because Yaldaboath and the Holy Grail are one and the same, Humanity are still holding on to their Wishes. Only by defeating Yaldaboath's Archangel Generals and only by defeating them one by one do humanity start to wake up to their nightmare seeing Roots and Monsters and People exploding into ash for fighting Back.
Then came Christmas Day. They reach the Summit, Below the Rising December sun, The sounds of Anarchy! As Humanity realizes what is going on!
And They are Frightened I mean it's 7 kids and A cat versus a thing that claims to be a God. Yaldaboath's MO is to mess with people's minds. Brainwashing, Amnesia, Rage, Hunger, fear among others. 7 weapons each one representing a Sin, Had to be dealt with, before any hit could be landed. Like 4 times before all seemed lost. Like 4 times before the Villain took time to gloat.
And for the Fifth Time, Humanity was Underestimated by a So called God by the unlikeliest of heroes.
It is Yuki Mishima, who started Persona 5 as a Spineless Coward becomes the instigator of Yaldaboath's Downfall Shouting up at Joker and the others to not give up as the People below start to rally against the now visible Oppressor, this filled up the Approval Rating on the Phansite to 100%
Yaldaboath's could not believe his eyes. He is the Embodiment of human Desires and yet it's Humanity that wishes for his defeat? But Morgana tells him he is no God-he's just a Treasure, nothing more than a Empty Chalice who's being turned into a trap that souls are caught fulfilling a dream that will never see fulfilled. Flailing around in a Delusion, Yaldaboath still claims his Godhood.
So with the power of Everyone's Wishes now inside inside Joker, Morgana tells Ren it's Time. Only one thing can kill a God: A Devil.
For the last time, Joker Summons Arsene who finally Gained his Second Awakening and Grow to a size to Rival the God before him, the God of Control, faced the Fallen Angel of Free Will, Satanael. Satanael had only one spell, but it was the only one he needed. Mimicking his Wielders actions, The Fallen Angel Pulled out a Gun So Big, And Both Fired with Satanael Blasting a Hole through Yaldaboath's face with Sinful Shell, a Bullet Forged with the 7 sins! With Yaldaboath's defeat, Reality Collapses, Severing the Connection between the Waking Reality and the Cognitive World. When our heroes wake up they want to know if they won,.... only to hear Complaining and Dishonesty.
Yes, Humanity is Still a Flawed Species... But at least they are free!
But yes the Mission is truly over as the Human Party turn to see Morgana translucent like a Summoned Persona. He has Made with the fact he was never or will never be Human so he going to miss his friends when he returns to the Cognitive world. But it seems Igor had other plans and Let Morgana live on Earth as a cat, but he gets to live.
With the Assault Charge Dropped, Ren would spend the last 3 months of his Probation in Shibuya and for his last day he would not leave alone, as his Friends had rented a a van and plan to Road trip from Tokyo to the Countryside. And Joker's Story is Finally over
(Laughs at Image of every P5 Sequel and Spin-off)
Whether or not we will ever see A Persona 6 in our lifetime aside, Joker is a Great Rep for the World Arcana. He Starts as a Naive Child until he becomes influenced by the Good and Bad of Society, unlike Yu, we are back with a Protagonist who is average in appearance, only the Joker Costume is Striking and it makes him a somebody, when he is granted the power to Steal Hearts. In one year Joker experiences all of life's sensations, Love, Commerce, Friendship, Hatred, Death Fortune, Betrayal and Redemption In a Short period of time. If there is one Flaw, it's one the players make by trying to make a Harem out of the Female Characters. Given that one of the bad endings is to push humanity under the bus to let him do what he wanted, it's probably the Writers yelling you not to do that.
Joker gets a point
Finally We Get to Our last Character, After Nearly a Year of Buildup, it seems we have being on our own Fools Journey to get to this point. To cover a Character who needs no introduction. But I will give him one anyway!
The World Warrior.
The Travelling Martial Artist
The Hero The World Never Knew
Early Life
We know very little on the Parentage of Ryu. Even he doesn't remember anything before wandering around a Smoking abandoned hut at 3 years old, that was the day he was found by the kind hearted Martial Artist Gouken.
However we do know is that for the next 15 years. Ryu would take to his Saviour's Training in Gouken's Modified Approach to The Martial Art known as Ansatsuken -"Assassin Fist" to heart.
Ryu and Gouken would not be alone, Gouken had a Brother called Gouki, who used more literal teachings to the Assassin Fist, and a Second Student the Son of an American Industrialist. His name was Ken Masters.
At the Very Beginning Both of the Students Despised each other. Ryu was A Young Man from Humble Beginnings who used Traditional fighting moves and Ken was a Spoilt Douchebag who turned the moves into Flashy Spectacles. However, years of Training would temper their hatred into a Friendly Rivalry, Culminating in when Ryu was Split open by Accident, Ken treated the wound with red Fabric from his Gi. And that's the origin of Ryu's headband.
The Events of Street fighter 1
Gouken, Proud of his Students, told them time was no more that he could teach them. It was time Ryu and Ken should go into the world and seek out their own path.
Ken knew what he wanted to do, he wanted to return to Los Angeles and start winning Professional Matches in the US Circuit. But Ryu was unsure. He Grow up in the Dojo all his life with the Kindness of Villagers and with no concept of money. So Ryu was now a Travelling Fighter picking up Bodyguard and Sparring jobs. However, it was A slow process. Eventually Ryu under the Pretence the Beggar would be Desperate was Accepted into the Illegal Street Fighter Tournament, held by a Thai Kickboxer named Sagat.
Ryu heard the Name from Ansatsuken Dropout, Dan Hibiki, who joined the Dojo briefly to take revenge on his father's Killer. The Tournament had some unsavoury fighters in its Brackets, Former Monks, Killer Ninjas, underworld Enforcers, Former killers for the Secret Police and At the Top was The Underworld most deadly Kickboxer
Ryu would Defeat all around him, and soon Bested Sagat's Protégé, Adon. The Final was a Fight for the Ages one that sent a ripple effect, that would change the course of history.... for you see....Ryu Lost!
That's when Something inside Ryu's mind told hold. Ryu's drive to win twisted to something Wild and Murderous. As Sagat uncharacteristically helped his opponent up. Only to be greeted with a Fiery Shoryoken that burnt a Scar Into his Chest. Frightened, Ryu fled back to Japan to Consult His master on what happened, Believing he left Sagat to die.
On the Journey back to the Dojo. He came Across Ken, who had a different time in America. Ken had become the US champion, holding a trophy he hoped those at the Dojo would celebrate his win. But both men who came for different reasons soon would come to the same conclusion.
Gouken was Now Dead! The wall Behind him, the Kanji for Heaven was Smeared in Blood - His Blood!, Not too far from the Dojo, Old master Goutestu's Corpse was Found, Pummeled to Death. And Gouki was nowhere to be seen, but was presumed dead. Neither knew it at the time, but this was a Precursor to a Crisis. One set in motion when a Caped Figure came to Offer his help to a Dying Sagat.
The Events of Street fighter Alpha
Sagat's New Benefactor was no Kindly Good Samaritan. He was in fact a madman who headed a Crime Syndicate so big, it Rivalled most Armies. This was the Self Proclaimed Master Bison and his Shadaloo Organisation.
Bison Announced a Martial Arts Tournament, as A showcase of his power. In truth Bison's Body was too weak to Sustain the Psycho Power he Commands, So he plans to Steal the body of the winner while the Psycho Drive would reconstruct his Body.
Ending up in a Field in Australia, Ryu and Bison's Combined Powers would Whip up a Storm of Negative Energy that Beckoned Akuma to Battle. Taking out Bison, Ryu was Shocked to see Gouki in such a State, But the Now-named Akuma announced that he Killed his Brother and Master for Conspiring to keep Secret Techniques from Him. Enraged, Ryu lost himself to the Darkness, And Akuma explained that it was called Satsui No Hadou "The Wave of Murderous Intent!" A Power than only manifests in those who seek to Rule the Weak. Akuma had a Proposition for Ryu: Kill him. Kill the Murderer of his Adopted Father with Akuma's own Power, for Only One with the Dark Hadou Should be king of the world. Ryu Calmed Down but still Defeated Akuma.
Unbeknownst to Ryu, Bison had regained Consciousness and Made his Move. Imparting some of his Psycho power to Acclimate it to a new Body, Ryu Instead Lost Control of his mind. As his friends New and old tried to Save him, It was the Voice of a Lovesick Teenager who got him to see sense as Ryu Who was Charging a Fireball, Turned to Fire it at Bison. Destroying his Body for the first time! And as Charlie Nash made the Ultimate sacrifice to Destroy the Psycho Drive inside Shadaloo base.
The Events Of Street Fighter 2
It had Being over a Year Since the Alpha Tournament and Suffice to say, All Those Involved had a Grudge to Settle with Shadaloo-And a Random Jamaican who wanted to write a Song-BUT MOSTLY GRUDGES!
Despite The Psycho Drive Destroyed It did Create a few Bodies for Bison. However he wanted Ryu's Body, Akuma Dead and Cammy under his Control once more.
But Bison had a Contingency Plan. He had During the Alpha tournament Swelled his Ranks and revealed his 3 other of "Four Kings". The Former Boxing Champion, Balrog and the Spanish Bullfighter turned Ninja, Vega and to the shock of Ryu, Sagat. The tournament Would Go like this: Every World warrior would face another in a Bracket and then Face a Round Robin against each of the Four kings Defeat Bison and Gain the cash prize. Knowing what we know here what i think went down.
- Ryu-Won the Tournament
- Ken: Defeated Zangief, Defeated Balrog, Defeated By Vega.
- E-Honda: won his Bracket, Defeated by Balrog.
- Dhalsim: left the tournament, due to travel issues
- Chun Li: defeated Cammy, was Ambushed in her sleep by Vega, Seemingly Killed Vega, Ordered not to Continue by Interpol.
- Zangief: Defeated by Ken
- Guile: defeated Blanka, Ordered not to Continue
- Blanka: See above
- Fei Long: DNC (Refused by Studio Lawyers)
- Dee Jay;Won his Bracket, Defeated by Sagat
- Cammy: defeated by Chun Li
- T. Hawk: Snuck out to save Juli and November, was Captured when his Brainwashed Wife and Sister turned him into Shadaloo
- Shadaloo: Was Defeated by Ryu.
- Akuma: Officially Did not Appear.
- Bison: Lost to Ryu and could not Ambush him at Award Ceremony, only to try to continually Attack him and boost his power which only exhausted his clone bodies.
Events of Street Fighter 4
Feeling Nothing for Praise and Not Needing the Money, Ryu had packed his things in a Sack and Walked into the Sunset, But Bison would not leave it alone, His Obsession saw his power boosted and his New Bodies, one after another, Crumbled under the strain of his might. For years Bison had no Form to Manifest in. As a result, Shadaloo Splintered from it's Espionage and Research and Development department, to become the off shoot Shadaloo Intelligence Network. Taking with them, Clones and Replacement Bodies, If Bison would not return, Then S.I.N would create a New Leader, a Better One and So Seth was Created, by Combining Bison's DNA with the Tandem Engine and the BLECE Project (Burning Liquid Exposion Cell Expansion). Seth hosted the Tournament because despite Having free will, his programming from the tanden engine was Installed with a Ai which demands learning the moves of other fighters. But there was another Surprise and a Far Bigger Threat for Ryu. And while Even with a New Body, Bison still had a limit, But that could not be said about Akuma. Eventually to level the playing Field , Ryu Snapped and Became Evil Ryu. Akuma's Final Evolution to Transcend Humanity was At Hand. But a New challenger Appeared, Subduing Akuma And using a Mystical Light to Separate Ryu and his Evil Side into 2 Beings.
When Ryu came to, He couldn't believe who his Saviour was?
Surprised to see his long dead master, Gouken Explained he was Killed by Akuma, But the Secret Technique, he learned was called Mu No Ken, "The Power Of Nothingness" and used it so Separate his Spirit from his body and return to it after Akuma would leave as soon as he thought his brother dead.
He was going to Reveal his secret via letters and other masters, but The Rise of Other Malfactors meant Gouken had no Choice but reveal himself to Teach Ryu this technique.
By Teaching Ryu to Focus on Material and Emotional Detachment, Mu No Ken Surpluses the Quantity of Chi Energy and makes him Intangible on command, A Trait Ryu used to Outwit a Raging Demon by Akuma, and ending his threats by a second move by his master the Electrifying Raizin Hadoken.
Compared to that, Seth was a Pushover, in fact Ryu's Victory over the Leader of S.I.N. was only the tip of the Iceberg of indignities Seth would suffer. Cammy would steal the BLECE data, Bison would reclaim their stolen property, Juri turned on Seth Beating Seth to a pulp, only to deactivated by Rolento of all people.
After the Tournament Seth had Set the Bomb on his Secret Island, should he being defeated. On the boat out Ryu showed up with Gouken to meet Ken. The Old Master said he would be honoured to see his former Students in his secret Dojo in New Zealand.
Unbeknownst to Gouken, this is where the Next Adventure would Start, right Under their Noses.
Events of Street fighter V and 3
Behind A Waterfall There is a cave near the Secret Dojo where Gouken Resides. Inside this cave is a Sarcophagus. Here a New Villainous Faction, The Illuminati, set their plans in Motion to play spoiler to the Plans of Shadaloo. Their plan, to resurrect The Corpse of Charlie Nash to Run interference, as they gather resources and information from the Shadows.
But Front and Centre was Bison's most Audacious plan to date, the Black Suns.
In our last Essay on the Judgement Card. We talked in length, About The full extent of the Black Suns. But to keep it brief, Shadaloo Kidnapped Programmers from Across the World, including Rashid's Best Friend and Chun Li's Adopted Daughter, Li-Fen, to bring a Group of Death Laser satellite They also sent to their former Victims Activation Keys Disguised as Chess pieces, with the plan to take them off their hands in one place. Or barter them for the safety of the kidnapped Victims.
With the Activation Keys in place, Bison's Dark Sun Sparked to life. It's purpose was twofold: First, to be a laser weapon to cause Wanton Destruction and 2, to act as a Conduit to Convert All Negativity into Psycho Power.
With all World Warriors gathered for Karin's Tournament (A Front For Karin to Safely dispose of the Keys). They along with their Allies, made Sure to Get Ryu into Space to Deal with M.Bison once and for all. Not Knowing that the Aztec Clay Being, Necalli had Snuck Aboard.
Necalli, in an Attempt to Gain Apotheosis needed to Devour the Bodies and Souls of Dhalsim, Ryu and Bison. Seeing an opportunity to escape, Bison used Necalli to Soften up Ryu. But since the Power of Mu No Ken was not technically the power he Seeks, he could not gain his power, but he could still steal his Soul, But Ryu Defeated Necalli with a Metsu Shoryoken causing the clay creature to be reduced to a puddle.
Impressed with the New Power, M Bison Demanded he Show it to him. Ryu exclaims that Mu No Ken is the "Power To Push Forward", Something a Tyrant who had to steal life from others to Cheat death could never Understand!
After Decades of Fighting, of Saving the world in secret, both ended on works wide Scale, when The World saw Ryu destroying M.Bison's Body. With a Oversight of no clones or Dolls, the man who cheated death, no longer could. And the Man who Saved Humanity in Secret, no longer can.
With Shadaloo out of the way! There was other players making their move, Akuma went on a rampage, Murdering Necalli and Gen in his wake. Ryu's Evil Side, Kage, defeated Ryu to absorb Ryu into him, only for Ryu to make peace with his existence. Ed, a Clone of Bison, had a Existential crisis and formed Neo-Shadoloo out of liberated Clones, and Rose sent a Student to earn all parties on both sides to Prepare for the Rise of the Illuminati.
On a Story Standpoint, Street Fighter 3's Focus is The "New Generation". So It was not Ryu who Defeated Gil, it was Alex, However Ryu was Tested by A Master he had not met yet. A 140 year old Hermit called Oro, who fights with one arm in s Sling. But is still a Master of great Physical Power, Skill and Chi Ability, like Nothing Ryu had Faced, as Quick as the loss to Oro was, so was his disappearance, But Oro had taken Root in Ryu's Mind, Despite being Frightened by Oro's Worn Appearance, Ryu would go to Brazil to seek him out.
Events of Street fighter 6
And That's how we got to right now!
5 years have passed and the world is at peace. And We are a loss for what Ryu had done since then. While it seems Ryu is now a Master, as he now has a Sash like Gouken, and that Sash is the same colour as Oro's gi. Does that mean Oro Died? We do see His Tortoise in The Background of Ryu's Stage!
And without anonymity, Ryu is sought by The NEWER Generation Like Luke and Rashid. Soon
After he learns a new Tournament, the first Legitimate Tournament held in Metro City, Sponsored by The Masters Corporation and the Government of Nayshal, a small but incredibly Rich Newly liberated Country.
And this point is where Ryu's Story Ends, with Ken Blamed for A Terrorist Attack in Nayshal, All because JP feared that Masters Corporation workers would uncover that Nayshal is a front for JP's Terrorist Cell, Amnesia . Despite Ken being found innocent, Ryu, Guile and Luke cannot convince Ken not to walk the Dark path of Vengeance.
Ryu is the Main Character of Street Fighter from the very Beginning. From Young Orphan to Master, Ryu is has being on his own Fool's Journey and even now, he's not finished yet! Ryu is the Triumph Aspect of the World, overcoming the Hardships of Being Orphaned, Homelessness, and his own personal demons, as well as Some real Life Monsters. Ryu has devoted his life to Martial Arts- as he says himself, "This Fist...Is everything to me!" But he's greatest Strength is also his Determent, His Focus can usually become tunnel Vision. He had being accused of being a Dullard and oblivious to other's Feelings (Including when Sakura Accidentally let Slip into her Crush her Desire to have Children!) But when it matters, Ryu's Steadfast Belief in his Conviction and Sense of Justice, Despite his secret Now Being Found out, Usually Finds Himself Winning the Fights that matter!
Technically Speaking, There is No World Social link, The Arcana itself is replaced by the Universe Arcana. The Player must complete the first 39 Missions before the in game date of the 30th of April.
And to Activate the Other interactions You must NOT Ignore and missions before Their Deadlines, elsewise the Interaction won't start and you won't get to finish the World Persona.
The Tasks are of Course, Fetch Personas with moves they can't usually learn for the Optional Boss Battle, but usually it's fetching Key items or healing items or Costumes. Every outing to the Real World awards you with items close to Elizabeth to Fuse for A Universe Persona, With the last bring the Rainbow Feather to Fuse for Kartikeya. The nearly 100 Requests are not to be Sneezed at Either Awarding you Powerful or Rare Weapons, Items, High amounts of money and Costumes.
As Main Characters, Yu and Joker have a no perks of their Own.
Ryu However had being In Games (Not Counting Crossovers) where he has not being the Main Character, in 3 the Focus is on Alex, and 6 the story mode is focus on your create a Character. So we can Judge Ryu as A Secondary character. Though his Knowledge of the World is Limited, (He had being given his first Smartphone!) He had Sparred Professionally for Fei Long and Karin. In Street Fighter 6. He had earned the mantle of Master, being sought after by Alex, Luke and Rashid, for not only Fights, but Wisdom, Given Alex had a similar Temper to Ryu and Luke and Rashid gave Great deal of Hubris.
Elizabeth is the Attendant Assigned to Minato and while Romance DOES NOT hold any Validity to P3's Canon, It's Elizabeth who is shown who will take Minato's Virginity. Beyond that, Elizabeth is far better at her job than the Cryptic Margaret or the passive and Aggressive Twins. When Minato makes his sacrifice, Elizabeth and Aigis, the only two Practically Immortal Friends Realise they are the only two that will remember Minato when he does return. But it's Elizabeth who tries to Separate Minato from the Door Of Destiny. And If The persona Q Series was Canon, then it's Possible but it Screws With Timeline Matters.
Yu and Joker are Designated leaders of their Groups as Both are the Wildcard and as Such had Saved the World in Secret, though they are liked, Respected and loved by those who have shared in their Adventures, Since most of Humanity will Either Will never know the Full Truth or was Conveniently Memory Wiped.
And for the longest Time, this was the Case for Ryu, However With the Black Suns Crisis being Filmed by Shadaloo to increase Negatively, they also revealed Ryu's Heroics. From stopping Robberies to thwarting World Domination, Ryu's Mark on His World was Quickly discovered, to the point that now he no long seeks the Strongest Fighters Worldwide, Because now, the Strongest Worldwide Fighters Seek him, given how Ryu has took residency in Genbu Gardens (Ryu's Street Fighter 6 stage) Whether it's An Age thing or not. Ryu has not skipped a beat and he the same man seeking meaning through his fists.
And that will do for Tarotober, that is until Persona 6 ever comes out! Should I bite the Bullet and Cover Persona Fes? What about Undertale? How much is Altus going to milk out of Persona til 6? Well until then, we just have to wait, Don't we?
Next Monday we Return to our Scheduled Reviews of MLW FUSION. If you like wrestling then join me then.